Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Converting Track Lighting

The tax relief passed by the government is presented as a remedy to the problem of low wages, but the accounts are clear: the net pay of one hour special is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour. And the cost to the company _ less proportionately. Why are not required to be paid at least the same way?

Aldo Amoretti 's time to many speeches about overtime. In many places a measure of tax relief is sought so that the poor Cipputi willing to work beyond normal is carrying a little extra pennies in your paycheck each month. For some this would be the brilliant solution to the problem of low wages. The responses of those who are not, especially from the unions, are embarrassed.

E 'is not surprising that throws out a topic that I find important and that is the main reason that companies seek such a solution: the overtime paid less and costs less than ordinary. So for businesses, there is a double cost: it is a more flexibility at lower cost. Better looking than that! Many

remain astonished and skeptical at this claim because it is widely believed otherwise. Then we did a little 'accounts on a situation-type. We took the example of the trade agreement, assuming the case of the fourth level, that is a central figure as the man-in sales.

accounts of ordinary work they do by identifying the annual salary as follows:

- pay glabellar
9257.52 - 6290.64
contingency allowance - 24.84
EDR - holidays not taken (two) 99.83
- thirteenth month
1297.75 - 1297.75
fourteenth month - indemnities 1353.21
- Revaluation of TFR (average 3 years)
128.06 - 120.00
integrative health fund - fund complementary pension

283.16 TOTAL ANNUAL SALARY 20152.76

Divided 1639 hours worked in the


On this amount the company pays social security contributions and INPS Inail for an amount of € 3.81. So a

ordinary hourly labor costs amounted to € 16.15

The worker, without assuming a single-income family expenses, will pay an amount of € 1.72 and the average personal income tax withheld social security will suffer an average of € 1.14 , and then remain in the pocket

NET € 9.48 per ordinary hours.

may not be very accurate calculation of severance pay perch_ it is done at the end of their careers on the basis of parameters subject to change.

As we calculated the actual hours worked?
theoretical equal to 2088, less than average not worked so divided:
- 173
holidays - holidays
72 - reduced time and ex holidays
104 - 12 union assemblies and permits
- disease, accidents, maternity (6.5% ) 73
- training, allowed seven 626

In regard to the annual salary we were cautious because we did not consider that the annual premium in companies where there is decentralized bargaining or other minor items such as the canteen.

The bill on overtime is much simpler.
The three entries in the monthly salary:

- pay glabellar
771.46 - 542.22 indennit_ contingency

2.07 Total monthly salary

1297.75 This figure is to subdivide the divider is supplied, 168

7.72 one gets the amount on which the surcharge is applied for overtime by 15% (until the 48th hour because it is over 20%). It shows that


on this company pays the costs equal to 2.75. So

hourly cost of overtime amounted to € 11.64.

The employee in turn will pay INPS 9.49% at 1.00 € and the personal income tax marginal rate of 27% to € 2.13 and an additional of 0.15, for a total Euro 3.28. Then remain in the pocket

NET € 5.60 per extra hour.

The net pay of one hour special (€ 5.60) is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour (€ 9.48).

So even over the past years, the protest of the companies that complained about an excess of social security contributions on overtime had no basis, because of its total cost that was still lower than normal. Their request was granted, however, and social insurance contributions have been harmonized.

Now they show their sensitivity to the issue of net pay that would still be lower even if we drop the charges. It seems reasonable to pose the question to pay for overtime work as much as the ordinary work. For workers would pay the extraordinary progress the equivalent of the average and this would be a saving to the State in the light of the proposals that are now in circulation.

Why the unions do not raise the issue? Perch_ fear that it would remove any obstacle to the availability of workers to work overtime. However, I have never seen situations where you do overtime if there is not the need and convenience for the enterprise. If the cost increases the cost would be reduced.

difference may be the speech to civil servants for which existed in the past is the practice of giving workers shares outstanding that were not actually worked as a mask for salary increases. But I feel that this system has been exceeded in large part by the administration.

However it seems a good clarification of the accounts.

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E 'arrived on time, the first burst of action "save-Italy" of the Berlusconi government. Symbolically met in Naples, the government has produced draft laws and decrees on some of the issues that were at the center of the campaign.
have dealt with the taxation of overtime, ICI, mortgage banking, security and more.
The taxation of overtime is central to the government's strategy on industrial relations and how to effectively synthesizes a columnist of Il Sole - 24 Ore: "If you had to be the way to solve the problem of low wages, is likely to have comparable efficacy to that of aspirin to cure cancer. " The defense of wages has nothing to do. This is a strong measure of support to companies which, for its consequences, will impact on the organization and the employment relationship.
We see in detail the measure: the extraordinary (and productivity bonuses) will henceforth be taxed at a rate of 10% (instead of the current that is progressive and therefore affect more on the time of the extraordinary that on that of ordinary work and in any case is larger, certainly more than 30%). The measure will also cover only workers with an annual gross income not exceeding € 30,000 (and up to 8,000 euro), excluding civil servants and will last, experiment, of six months.
In essence, the hypothetical increase in salary is: tied exclusively to the variable part of salary (non-business or increase productivity), limited to some of the workers, the largest medium-high wages (those from 27,500 to € 30,000 per year).
This measure is pro-cyclical (ie only works when the economy is good and not when it is weak), favors the per capita productivity, but has no effect on that path. In "obsolete" Marxist terms: the increase of working time (because of this they are) give rise to increased capital gains but not absolute than relative.
's interest, however, comes from Confindustria done - little attention - that one hour of overtime costs the company much less than an hour of normal work, as well as the worker receives less. E 'has been calculated that if, for example, a worker's level IV, Trade, the cost to the company's normal working hour is € 16.15 for an hour while the overtime only of € 11.64. For the employee net pay of regular work hour is € 9.48, while that of € 5.60 an hour overtime. The company then save (increasing overtime) is 28% for each hour of work, while the employee receives 41% less than the normal hourly rate.
If, therefore, is facilitated the use of overtime (tax exempt his salary), he understands what has been done to the beautiful gift Marcegaglia and his cronies.
Last and not least important implications of the measure are, of course: the increased flexibility of work, the disincentives to job creation, wage growth in the importance of the variable than fixed.
If the first two points are self explanatory, the third is good to pause in order to illustrate some implications. It 'clear that the voices of the wage variable (precisely overtime and productivity bonuses) are subject to bargaining at the enterprise level, both in terms of management (the first) that the entity (the second). We therefore faced with a powerful tool to empty the contents of the first level of bargaining (national categorical) in favor of the second-level (local business), which is just what you are asking in a loud voice the industry for some time, with ' support of political forces and the substantial placet of the confederal unions, concerned now only a monopoly of representation.
We come now to the repeal of the ICI, formerly Berlusconi's battle cry.
Two considerations arise here
- the first is that the measure does not affect the most disadvantaged strata of the population, struggling with other problems (usury rents from the desperate search of a home) and anyway even excluding second homes, villas and luxury homes is based on old land registration, which underestimate the category of housing and who often do not take into account the conversion of an old shack in a luxury apartment, or that of a house in a villa
- the second is that the estimated € 2.2 billion needed to finance this measure (as well as € 400 million provided as an expense for the taxation of overtime), to compensate the municipalities of private ' ICI entry will be drained from the public administration reform. How? Since we know that the language of government reform means cutting, or the loss of services or blocking future contract renewals for civil servants.
short, a good mirror for larks behind which lies a trap.
Now, then, the last thought of Tremonti Genius: the agreement with the banks to renegotiate loans with floating rates and their conversion to fixed rate, locking them in 2006.
E 'known that variable-rate mortgages have enjoyed great success in the past, have been contracted by 3.2 million households over a total of 3.5 million contractors (91%). It 'also known that the performance of the economy and inflation over the past brought the monthly rate of reimbursement to levels unaffordable for many families. Under the agreement, it is true, the renegotiation of fixed-rate bringing the level of the rate as in 2006, but also provides the theoretical difference between the rate (determined by interest rate increases for inflation) and that should be blocked in 2006 to be another debt that the contractor will pay ( more installments, with an appropriate rate of interest payable) to the extinction of the loan. In short, the banks do not lose a euro, while the debt will ensure a breather, but at the cost of continuing to pay for a lot longer than expected. And to say that Tremonti
election campaign railed against the excessive power of banks and financial institutions and now dispenses favors to friends bankers ...
What remains to be said? Opposition "responsible and construction "of the Democratic Party very much. No, because if they had won the election would do something like that. trade unions state that we have their consent and in fact it is in having a" responsible trade "( a barter or infamous) from the monopoly of representation (which cuts out the annoying syndicalism) and any government and Confindustria bitter pill to swallow for the workers decide.
And bitter pills seem to want to swallow farcene many others: the militarization of the territory the further intensification of repressive measures, the construction of nuclear power plants and the more you have, and so forth.
The only way out of this state of affairs is to resume the struggle and continue to mobilize on clear and unambiguous. Ours are:

- For cancellation of the July 23, 2007
- Against the dismantling of national bargaining
- For the general increase of wages and pensions
- For environmental protection and basic goods and services (health, education and culture, housing, telecommunications, transport, energy, water, wholesome foods) ensure that they are accessible to all
- For the elimination of casual
- For safety at work entrusted to the direct control and exclusive of workers
- To respect the dignity of migrant workers and their total equal to the Italian
- For the removal of military expenditure, the return of Italian troops abroad, the closing of bases
- Against the interference and clerical obscurantism and the defense of civil liberties