national contract trade
Renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees of companies in the tertiary distribution servizi.Il July 17 and ended negotiations for the renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement expired December 31, 2006. The new National Collective Bargaining Agreement is valid until December 31, 2010. The talks, which lasted over eighteen months, had an ending that is quite unusual for our industry, since it was signed by organizations Fisascat - Uiltucs and CISL - UIL, excluding thus the Filcams - CGIL and affected both the economic and regulatory issues that the contract rights of trade unions and the labor market. THE ECONOMIC Salary increases The solution for the closure of the negotiations was to provide economic effects lasted for four years with an increase in gross average (fourth) level of 150 € until 31 December 2010.La effect of the increase - not absorbed - unless an express provision of an advance on future contractual increases, is set for the month of February 2008 . The starting dates and amounts of the increase, the fourth level, are as follows: - 55 € from 1 February '08-21 € from 1 December '08-34 € from September 1 '09-20 € 1 March '10-20 € from September 1 '10. There are outstanding arrears amounting to 252.24 € (always calculated on the basis of the level IV) to be disbursed in two tranches of € 126.12 payable with the salary of the month July and with the salary for the month of November 2008. Arrears for an amount less than or equal to the amount of the first tranche, the delivery will be in a lump sum in July 2008.Hanno right back to the employees under the date of signing of the rinnovo.L 'amount of 252 , € 24 was calculated as follows: - € 42.04 represented the difference between the amount of the tranche of increase (55.00) in February 2008 and the value of CVI (12.96) multiplied by the period of 2008 prior to the subscription date (February-June + 14 months = ^ 6 months). Therefore, the arrears will be responsible for full only to those workers who have not been unilaterally determined the distribution paid during the month of March, starting from € 55 to pay arrears for the month of aprile.Gli amounts do not serve any purpose with the exception of calculating monthly payments and additional severance pay. Allowance feature for boards to a remuneration for workers classified as key personnel has increased, from July 2008 to 70.00 € monthly gross absorbable amounts to 50% by having a similar function. INSTITUTES OF CONTRACT categories have been changed contribution rates due to the almost according to the measurements and intervals specified below: Almost, from 1 / 01/09 the one-off contribution payable - payable by Employers - enrollment for each worker in writing increased by € 38.00, the same date, the annual contribution payable by employers for each worker in writing increased by 38 € and the annual contribution workers increased by 8.00 €. EAST: the date of signing of the apprentices CCNL is extended to the case of health care. SOURCE: from the date of signing of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement is extended to apprentices with additional social security contributions reduced: in fact, throughout the period of apprenticeship, the contribution payable by the employer will be equal to 1, 05%, including 0.05% as a membership fee, remuneration useful for the calculation of severance pay. And trade union rights 'was finally passed the experimental phase of the discipline of RSU.In trade unions' rights has been provided in the second level of the bargaining power to enter into agreements for the establishment of a number of hours of leave hours for use of union leaders . LABOUR MARKET Fixed-term contracts and administration time determinatoIn on futures contracts and administration of fixed-term employment, it was intended not to use the probationary period for reinstatement after a period for the same job. Apprenticeship E 'was pursued the choice of increasing retention of apprentices increasing 80% the same to allow for confirmation of new hires with this institution. At the same time, have been extended to the treatment provided for skilled workers in the field of integrative health insurance and supplementary pensions, the latter with a percentage of cost 1, 05%, compared with 1, 55% provided for skilled workers. At the same time, provision was made for new entrants to the gradual use of paid leave, with the exception of those arising from the former holiday that will continue to be enjoyed, as 50% for the second half of the period to reach 100% at the end stesso.In apprenticeship training was immediately seized the opportunity offered by DL 112/08 to standardize the training programs as required by the Protocol Isfol 2002. Part Time The minimum hours worked per week was increased to 18 hours for new hires or new steps to part time for companies with more than thirty employees, deferring to the increase in 12 months time for companies whose organizational structure - for the significant presence of part-time to 16 hours - to allow an immediate transition to the new system time. In any case, different arrangements will be permitted. WORKING HOURS important changes have been agreed under the Negotiable than entrusted to collective bargaining by the Legislative Decree 66/03, on-overtime: the roof fell to 250 hours and the reference period for calculating the average maximum of 48 hours per week has increased to 6 months with possibility of reaching 12 months through collective bargaining - 11 hours sleep: pending the outcome of the second level of bargaining, the national contract has identified some important situations where it is allowed - now - the requirement for 11 hours a day of rest between the other continued to work. It is noted however that the total of 11 hours must still be viewed comfortably within 24 hours and that in the cases of exception, however, is guaranteed a minimum rest continued for 9 hours - working on Sundays: represents the most debated aspect of this renewal, it is a norm of surrogate function at the second level of bargaining, which has been identified as the level because of the signing of agreements on the subject. It provides a contract that provides coverage for a number of garrison Sunday Sunday Sunday at least equal to the Bersani law provided more than 30%, in addition, they were identified at the regional level. This benefit is offset, in the absence of other provisions relating to salaries, and improvements except those already included in bargaining with a single percentage, comprehensive and non-cumulative, increase of 30% on the portion of the normal hourly wage. Have provided grounds for exclusion from this provision. This provision governs the conduct of Sunday work done under the normal working hours and overtime, which was, however, amended Article. 132, Negotiable. CONTRACTS AND outsource procurement law has been completed with the demand forecast of DURC to contractors, and has been regulated anew the matter of the outsourcing of sales activities with the provision of a system of information and discussion. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES He spoke on matters of serious diseases to behave so you can enjoy a reasonable period for healing clinic, on leave for individual training, the right to study on the promotion of initiatives for the encouragement of foreign workers and the provision of vouchers and vouchers vacanza.Infine, were attributed to bilateral treaties and instruments welfare of the new contract and important functions, together with a project to ensure a better and better management and operation. Then we reserve to address any further details on the tables are below the salary increases and arrears and enclose the text of the renewal. Salary increases
Levels Feb 8 December to 8 September-09 Mar-10 Sep 10 total
SQUARE 95.49 36.46 59.03 34.72 34.72 260.42 86.01 32.84 53.17 31.28
II 31.28 234.58 74.40 28 , 41 45.99 27.06 27.06 202.92 63.59 24.28 39.31 23.13
173.44 23.13 55.00 21.00 34.00 20.00 IV 20 00 150.00 49.69 18.97 30.72 18.07
18.07 135.52 44.61 17.03 27.58 16.22 VI 16.22 38.19 14 121.66
VII , 58 23.61 13.89 13.89 104.16
Total 51.92 19.82 32.10 18.88 18.88 43.59 141.60
II category 15 03 26.95 15.85 15.85 117.27
Levels arrears
Jul-08 Nov-08 TOTAL integration IVC
SQUARE 230.06 230.06 460.12 205.72 205.72 411.44 76.69
II 175.93 175.93 68.57 351.86 58.64
III 148.18 148.18 296.36 126.12 126.12 252.24 IV
49.39 42.04 112.51 112.50 225.01
37.50 99.46 99.45 198 91 33.15 165.99 27.66 82.99 83.00 VII
118.02 118.01 236.03 39.34 96.63 96.62 193
category II , 25 32.21
parameter level base pay by other el 01/02/2008. TOTAL contingency + EDR Monthly
PAINTINGS 250.00 180.76 540.37 1,434.83 2,155.96 225.20 1,292.50 537.52 1,830.02
II 194.80 532.54 1,118.00 1,650.54
III 166, 50 955.59 527.90 144.00 826.46 524.22 IV
1483.49 1350.68 1268.61 521.94 746.67 130.10 V
VI 116.80 670.36 519.76 1190 , 12
VII 100.00 573.92 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1096.59
I 780.15 530.04 654.98 526.11 1,181.09 1,310.19
parameter level is charged basedal 12/01/2008 other el. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,471.29 250.76 540.37 2,262.42 225.20 1,325.34 537.52 1,862.86
II 194.80 532.54 1,146.41 1,678.95
III 166.50 979.87 527.90 144.00 847.46 524.22 IV
1507.77 1371.68 1287.58 521.94 765.64 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 687.39 , 76
VII 1207.15 100.00 588.50 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1111.17
nb increase the compensation function of the paintings runs from July 2008
I 799.97 530.04 670.01 526.11 1,196.12 1,330.01
tab. d - MINIMUM Contract by September 2009
parameter level is charged basedal other el 01/09/2009. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,530.32 250.76 540.37 2,321.45 225.20 1,378.51 537.52 1,916.03
II 194.80 532.54 1,192.40 1,724.94
III 1019.18 166.50 527.90 144.00 881.46 524.22 IV
1547.08 1405.68 1318.30 521.94 796.36 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 714.97 , 76
VII 1234.73 100.00 612.11 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1134.78
I 832.07 530.04 696.96 526.11 1,362.11
II 1223.07
tab. and - minimum wage in March 2010
parameter level is charged basedal other el 1-03-10. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,565.04 250.76 540.37 2,356.17 225.20 1,409.79 537.52 1,947.31
II 194.80 532.54 1,219.46 1,752.00
III 1042.31 166.50 527.90 144.00 901.46 524.22 IV
1570.21 1425.68 1336.37 521.94 814.43 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 731.19 , 76
VII 1250.95 100.00 626.00 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1148.67
I 850.95 530.04 712.81 526.11 1,380.99
II 1238.92
parameter level is charged basedal other el 1-03-10. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,599.76 250.76 540.37 2,390.89 225.20 1,441.07 537.52 1,978.59
II 194.80 532.54 1,246.52 1,779.06
III 1065.44 166.50 527.90 144.00 921.46 524.22 IV
1593.34 1445.68 1354.44 521.94 832.50 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 747.41 , 76
VII 1267.17 100.00 639.89 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1162.56
1399.87 869.83 530.04 II 728.66 526.11 1,254.77
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