First, some advice to your feed reader. If you're not already doing so keep an eye Spinoza: currently the best blog of political satire, unique and unchallenged. Then I suggest you Shroom-Hruuum , a fantastic tumblr discovered some 'time ago. The image used for this post come from there, I'll do it more often. The guy is Russian and, on vaginas and photographs, has a highly developed aesthetic sense. Check it out: a recurring part naked and a bit 'too explicit there is something for all tastes, I guarantee.
Small brackets on my life 'real'. My ' MA 'ended happily. On 28 November I received a successful and was drunk as needed. I was well-wave and not just for this reason. That same day, in fact, Claude Levi-Strauss - a fine food critic author of this book the ham - he celebrated his hundredth birthday. My " MPhil / PhD " instead is in progress and is going on ... but proceeds slowly. I'm still desperate for funds to finance the next year but, at least for now, I have three odd jobs that I ensure the survival of the bridges over the city . In his spare time (!?) I try to complete this blessed MPhil or first year PhD . There is plenty to do - read and write, especially - but we are in the pipeline. We'll see.
But back to life online. This personal space is about to change very soon there will be major changes. For now just know that on Wordpress is a new flower melon : give us a look and let me know what you think.
end my post of reconciliation with the blogosphere with good news. For the first time in its long existence and intermittent this blog has received an award. In the now

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