Week Mobilization decisive
After meeting with the Minister of the Interior, we are living a crucial week in the Security Fund, because, in the absence of concrete answers, the way of mobilization - from SAP previously announced in recent weeks - will materialize with a manifestation of the unions "sign" on December 13 in the House, on the eve of the day marking the end or a new beginning for the current government led by Silvio Berlusconi.
The outcome of the meeting at the Interior Ministry had with Maroni is well described in the joint statement drawn up together with SIULP, Siap-Anfp, Silpa-CGIL, UGL Police and Coisp.
The Minister assured his personal commitment on the issues that we have shown, from need to transform in accordance with the agenda - the result of mobilization of this summer - that protect us on the front of the fringe benefits, allowances payable function, and advances of the shots. The week ahead will be crucial from this point of view because the Parliament has to approve the Law of Stability, to turn the Decree Law on the "Security Package" and to adopt the so-called "milleproroghe.
Three measures must find concrete expression in any case not later than December 14 and which is certainly possible to insert an article that actually protects our "specificity".
These days, we are continuing to weave our network of contacts with parliamentarians of good will come from the ranks of the center and the center, just to ensure that Parliament does not disappoint, once again, the police force. Meanwhile, the mobilization was announced in front of Deputies - the eve of a day delicate for the government - to prod the politicians to do their duty towards us.
Other topical theme is that of increases and arrears . My colleagues know that, as promised, the payroll of November has been updated. We
, while others speak of referrals, we believe that the Executive should maintain its commitment to pay the arrears within a year.
do not intend to give up on this and we said very clearly to the Minister of the Interior.
positive glimpses important start, however, with regard to two other hot spots: the security turnstiles and . The first, with particular reference to the application of the "windows mobile" and for the staff of the State Police since January 2011, Maroni has guaranteed that it will work at Inpdap to issue a circular ad hoc.
As for the automatic detection system of admissions, has been confirmed time line put forth by the SAP: no turnstiles for the cops who are not and never will be civil servants, who do not need to be "adopted" confederation as some short-sighted has written and said recently. The battle continues, the days become decisive.
The future of the State Police and the Security Fund will decide within two weeks.
Ready, once again taking to the streets.
Proud to be a SAP!
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