Sunday, January 23, 2011

Non Breakable Dinnerwear

Request meeting with the Chief of Police

There is uneasiness among his colleagues, the Independent Police Trade Union denounces him for some time.
A deep discomfort, accentuated by the continuation of the difficult time the country's political and economic, stemming from broken promises by the Government in respect of safety professionals who risk their lives every day and each day they run the risk of losing acquired rights, the result of struggles and battles of the Thirty-year review.
For this reason, together with the "cartel", the SAP has requested a meeting with the Chief of Police, Prefect Antonio Manganelli, which has always proved to be practical and accessible to all his men: the meeting, immediately given, will be held Thursday, January 27.

On the carpet there are many problems and especially two key issues and urgent.

The first relates to the "salary cap" to block progress, shots and check function in the period 2011-2013.

The so-called "amendment Specificity" still does not take off in Parliament and can not afford further loss of time.

The second pressing issue concerns pensions and is inherent in the application of the "floating window" for the staff of the Fund Security.
From this point of view, the promises of the Government and the Minister Maroni have so far been rejected.
For this, we hope a clear position of our administration, "victim" as we all cuts of the broken promises, unfulfilled commitments of the political class.
We believe that the Chief of Police will be able to convey, once again, the legitimate expectations of employees.
The SAP will not leave no stone unturned to protect colleagues and to avoid adversely affecting acquired rights on which we count all this in order to live a decent and acceptable build a pension.

Proud to be a SAP!


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