Ansa: € 79 million for the Fund and meeting with Berlusconi
This is the result of the serious work of the SAP, consultation safety, and UGL SIULP POLICE!
( ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 16 - 'I am' right 'economic demands of the unions of police, firefighters and representatives of armed forces: the next Council of Ministers there will be 'a measure which then allocate' € 79 million to the sector. The meeting will be 'preceded by a meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the unions in the sector desired by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. This was stated by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, during question time in the House. (ANSA) NE 16-MAR-11 15:26 NNNN
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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PROUD TO BE SAP! The second security
From Flash No.11 of March 14, 2011
The three-day work of the Executive and the National Council of Rimini SAP, which confirmed our state of mobilization, brings home a first important result which must now be tested to prove the facts.
The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, in fact, is personally committed to scheduling the next Council of Ministers of March 23 a decree intended to remedy the situation on the roof of the equalization fund and pay , with the aim to ensure that forces of 'Order the payment of all allowances, of the shots, the career advancement and function checks.
It is a commitment made directly by the Head of Government on the eve of the event Arcore, where the Security and Defense Fund had announced plans to protest.
The response of Berlusconi - over the next few days should also follow a meeting with the trade unions - is certainly a non-negative and we take note.
Therefore, by mutual agreement with the Safety Check (SAP, Sappi, SAPAF) and CONAP with SIULP, UGL State Police, Prisons, Forestry and Fire Brigade, Prison FNS CISL, Forestry and brigade Fuocoe with the full support and the National Executive Council, it was decided to suspend - Not cancel - the manifestation of the March 14 Arcore, ready to re-scheduling if there will be news in the next two weeks.
It is also to be understood, moreover, what resources will be used for this operation of "protection" of our allowance, given the opportunity to draw - at least in part - to the ambushes laid by January for the reordering of the careers of 119 million.
We'll see, and as always, try to judge all the facts.
That said, it behooves me here to account for our members and all Members of the findings of the work of the Executive and the National Council Independent Police Trade Union, which has seen agree in Rimini for three days, the highest national frameworks of our organization. A union
healthy, both economically and with regard members, all proud and proud to be the only ones not to have organic relationships with federations and political parties.
The only people who have no resources other than those of colleagues who pay the monthly pass.
The only ones who can always say how they think, in complete autonomy, without being other-directed.
The only - and say it loud - not tax the fellow with the delegation of the thirteenth!
The union leaders of the SAP I have represented, really, the issues that my colleagues on several living areas, where disturbance to the funding cuts for the broken promises of the government and the continuing violations dell'ANQ are felt in practice .
The trade union response is and will be the mobilization of a strong, continuous and permanent.
We will see now, as I mentioned in the incipit of this editorial, if the personal commitment of the Knight lead to something good.
A commitment that is not born by chance, but that is a child of our efforts and our battles.
This must be clear.
In any case, the historical claims of the Union of Independent Police - Supplementary pension and reordering of careers in the first place - remain the focus of our action, are important targets to be pursued in the interest of colleagues and the citizens themselves.
The Executive and the National Council, as well as greet and pay tribute to some of our good union leaders who have left us a well-deserved retirement, made a number of important decisions.
Among these determinations, the decision to establish the SAP RETIRED within the same Independent Police Union, with procedures and time limits that will now be studied in detail.
This is an important innovation that will allow for many colleagues to go to stay retired, if they so choose, actively available to our large family, to be better protected and able to lend a hand to review
SITUATION AND CONTESTS 'was also addressed the issue of competition, especially as regards the role of the Stewards.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba unique competition and raises concerns for those directly involved in the coming days the Department to have a clearer picture and to propose measures to ensure all my colleagues, notwithstanding the need to proceed with of calls as soon as possible.
TRAINING union officials from the three days
Rimini is also the will to invest more in training of union officials and the Secretary General welcomed this line.
will leave in the coming months a series of training courses that will involve first of all Regional and Provincial Secretaries and that will take advantage of the collaboration of university teachers and trainers of excellence.
Last but not least, the National Executive Council and confirmed that among the priorities of the union can not be the morale and welfare of staff. So we
launched the psychological questionnaire on our website and also to all members of SAP will be distributed in an easy tutorial on police stress, with very clear explanations and sug-gerimenti interesting, which bears the signature of the prestigious Dr. And Dr. Luigi Lucchetti. Felix B. Lecce, welcome guests in Rimini.
Moreover, I am sorry to report, just on Thursday and Friday last a worthy colleague of the Road of Rome took his own life.
yet another case, a situation which we can not and we never get used.
also why we are committed very strongly - and not now! - The morale and welfare of staff.
finish so maybe a little ' informal, but I want to externalize my satisfaction, supported by three days of Romagna, the solidity of a union - the SAP - still expected to play a leading role in the months and years to come, thanks to a hard core and proud of colleagues that follows us with passion and a ruling class in each office or department that fights for the rights of colleagues with great determination and above all honesty.
Today more than ever our slogan is topical ...
Proud to be a SAP!
From Flash No.11 of March 14, 2011
The three-day work of the Executive and the National Council of Rimini SAP, which confirmed our state of mobilization, brings home a first important result which must now be tested to prove the facts.
The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, in fact, is personally committed to scheduling the next Council of Ministers of March 23 a decree intended to remedy the situation on the roof of the equalization fund and pay , with the aim to ensure that forces of 'Order the payment of all allowances, of the shots, the career advancement and function checks.
It is a commitment made directly by the Head of Government on the eve of the event Arcore, where the Security and Defense Fund had announced plans to protest.
The response of Berlusconi - over the next few days should also follow a meeting with the trade unions - is certainly a non-negative and we take note.
Therefore, by mutual agreement with the Safety Check (SAP, Sappi, SAPAF) and CONAP with SIULP, UGL State Police, Prisons, Forestry and Fire Brigade, Prison FNS CISL, Forestry and brigade Fuocoe with the full support and the National Executive Council, it was decided to suspend - Not cancel - the manifestation of the March 14 Arcore, ready to re-scheduling if there will be news in the next two weeks.
It is also to be understood, moreover, what resources will be used for this operation of "protection" of our allowance, given the opportunity to draw - at least in part - to the ambushes laid by January for the reordering of the careers of 119 million.
We'll see, and as always, try to judge all the facts.
That said, it behooves me here to account for our members and all Members of the findings of the work of the Executive and the National Council Independent Police Trade Union, which has seen agree in Rimini for three days, the highest national frameworks of our organization. A union
healthy, both economically and with regard members, all proud and proud to be the only ones not to have organic relationships with federations and political parties.
The only people who have no resources other than those of colleagues who pay the monthly pass.
The only ones who can always say how they think, in complete autonomy, without being other-directed.
The only - and say it loud - not tax the fellow with the delegation of the thirteenth!
The union leaders of the SAP I have represented, really, the issues that my colleagues on several living areas, where disturbance to the funding cuts for the broken promises of the government and the continuing violations dell'ANQ are felt in practice .
The trade union response is and will be the mobilization of a strong, continuous and permanent.
We will see now, as I mentioned in the incipit of this editorial, if the personal commitment of the Knight lead to something good.
A commitment that is not born by chance, but that is a child of our efforts and our battles.
This must be clear.
In any case, the historical claims of the Union of Independent Police - Supplementary pension and reordering of careers in the first place - remain the focus of our action, are important targets to be pursued in the interest of colleagues and the citizens themselves.
The Executive and the National Council, as well as greet and pay tribute to some of our good union leaders who have left us a well-deserved retirement, made a number of important decisions.
Among these determinations, the decision to establish the SAP RETIRED within the same Independent Police Union, with procedures and time limits that will now be studied in detail.
This is an important innovation that will allow for many colleagues to go to stay retired, if they so choose, actively available to our large family, to be better protected and able to lend a hand to review
SITUATION AND CONTESTS 'was also addressed the issue of competition, especially as regards the role of the Stewards.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba unique competition and raises concerns for those directly involved in the coming days the Department to have a clearer picture and to propose measures to ensure all my colleagues, notwithstanding the need to proceed with of calls as soon as possible.
TRAINING union officials from the three days
Rimini is also the will to invest more in training of union officials and the Secretary General welcomed this line.
will leave in the coming months a series of training courses that will involve first of all Regional and Provincial Secretaries and that will take advantage of the collaboration of university teachers and trainers of excellence.
Last but not least, the National Executive Council and confirmed that among the priorities of the union can not be the morale and welfare of staff. So we
launched the psychological questionnaire on our website and also to all members of SAP will be distributed in an easy tutorial on police stress, with very clear explanations and sug-gerimenti interesting, which bears the signature of the prestigious Dr. And Dr. Luigi Lucchetti. Felix B. Lecce, welcome guests in Rimini.
Moreover, I am sorry to report, just on Thursday and Friday last a worthy colleague of the Road of Rome took his own life.
yet another case, a situation which we can not and we never get used.
also why we are committed very strongly - and not now! - The morale and welfare of staff.
finish so maybe a little ' informal, but I want to externalize my satisfaction, supported by three days of Romagna, the solidity of a union - the SAP - still expected to play a leading role in the months and years to come, thanks to a hard core and proud of colleagues that follows us with passion and a ruling class in each office or department that fights for the rights of colleagues with great determination and above all honesty.
Today more than ever our slogan is topical ...
Proud to be a SAP!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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The 1978 "years of lead"
9.15 am on 16 March 1978, via Mario Fani in Rome, a commando of highly organized and trained terrorists kidnap the president of the National Council of DC, Aldo Moro, as he was going to parliament. The five bodyguards were killed with ruthless efficiency. The Moro affair was and remains symbolic, but as you know the organized terrorism was not born or died then, at least in Italy and in subsequent years will shock the country with companies horrific as the massacre of the Bologna train station, with 85 dead and 186 wounded.
The period 1978 - 88 has seen some of the most serious incidents of domestic and international terrorism, with brilliant success for the law at domestic level.
The magus 13 1981 Pope John Paul II was seriously wounded in the gun shots, in St. Peter's Square in Rome, a terrorist turkish name of Ali Agca. It is suspected that the bomber was in the pay of the secret services to destabilize our country .
(Source book of mine: The great events of the twentieth century-selected by Reader's Digest)
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Aldo Moro in March 1978 the Red Brigades Kidnapping Via Fani GAME AD 1981 Pope
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1962 - The Second Vatican Council Vatican II
Pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli ) convene an ecumenical council and initiate a far-sighted program for the renewal of the Catholic Church.
The October 11, 1962 2,500 cardinals, archbishops, bishops and top of the main actions of male religious orders and congregations, each with its own "uniform", gathered in the basilica of San Peter for the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the twenty-first held by the Catholic Church. I " Council Fathers "there had been summoned by Pope John XXIII because collaborate on an unprecedented effort is necessary" to shake off the dust that has accumulated on the throne of Peter, after Constantine, "as one day the pope to an ambassador. In subsequent years, these prelates have come from all over the world - farmers' sons, princes, lawyers, laborers, merchants, tribal leaders - have worked together to land the ancient and complex institution on the banks of which were part of the twentieth century.
With the Second Vatican Council the Pope had set itself the aim of renewing the Church and reconcile all Christians.
(Source book of mine: The great events of the twentieth century-selected by Reader's Digest)
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From 1861 to date ... Guglielmo Marconi
all started from a bell
In 1899 Marconi transmitted across the English Channel.
all started from a bell
Wireless telegraphy took actually boot from a bell: he felt the sound on the ground floor of a villa - Villa Grifone in Pontecchio, near Bologna - as soon as you press a key in electrical engineering laboratory installed in the attic. It is obvious that key and bell were not linked.
In the laboratory, however, was a small way station and the bell was connected to a receiver system. The man that operated the bell and had designed the whole system was Guglielmo Marconi. Every sound of the bell confirmed that the path he embarked on after reading a publication of the German physicist Heinrich Hertz, was correct. Hertz showed how electricity and magnetic expand wave in space. A few months after the experiment of the bell, 8 December 1895, Marconi succeeded in transmitting a signal pick it Morse and behind the hill in front of the Villa Grifone. She was born wireless telegraphy. Marconi set out to find practical applications. The Italian Minister of Posts and Marconi's invention called it madness he went to England, his mother's native country, where he persuaded the British Postmaster General.
The issuer which exceeded Guglielmo Marconi was implanted in the Atlantic Poldhu, Cornwall. The antenna was a spider web stretched between two poles 50 m other.
The December 12, 1901 Guglielmo Marconi made the first transmission Radiotelegraphy across the Atlantic. Was transmitted first signal of the Morse letter S (three short pulses). The company did not clamor only for the distance, but because it proved that radio waves followed the curvature of the earth, something which many scientists doubted God.
(Source book of mine: The great events of the twentieth century-selected by Reader's Digest)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
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From Flash no.10 of 7 March 2011
The last Council of Ministers, according to news sources, offered to women and men Law Enforcement, waiting for real answers for what concerns the roof and pay the equalization fund, another distressing spectacle of a political class that can not keep the commitments made repeatedly and a super economy minister, Mr. Giulio Tremonti, who seems to really be the deus ex machina of the government, stronger than any minister and in some ways able to curb the premier Berlusconi, who has repeatedly assured his interest in law enforcement.
While Tremonti has left the table early last Council of Ministers, escaping to a confrontation on the issue of security resources, there is definitely something wrong.
We wonder, for two years now, because influential members of the majority continue to reassure Cops, only to be denied by the minister of the economy. Il Corriere della Sera, dated March 4 in which we made available on the News, writes that "at the next Council Tremonti will have to wait quite a decree already made for the release of funds."
A request that an extraordinary measure to remedy the situation and pay the roof of the equalization fund, which SAP calls for weeks together and now sees all the main organizations of the Security Fund, ready to manifest to Arcore March 14.
Not counting from 9 to 11 March will meet the highest organs of our union - the National Council and the executive - because we want the full involvement of colleagues and members of the ruling class of Sap. We are nestled in the defense of vested interests and not allow anyone, not even the professor of Sondrio, to continue to humiliate and offend the Police.
Proud to be a SAP!
From Flash no.10 of 7 March 2011
The last Council of Ministers, according to news sources, offered to women and men Law Enforcement, waiting for real answers for what concerns the roof and pay the equalization fund, another distressing spectacle of a political class that can not keep the commitments made repeatedly and a super economy minister, Mr. Giulio Tremonti, who seems to really be the deus ex machina of the government, stronger than any minister and in some ways able to curb the premier Berlusconi, who has repeatedly assured his interest in law enforcement.
While Tremonti has left the table early last Council of Ministers, escaping to a confrontation on the issue of security resources, there is definitely something wrong.
We wonder, for two years now, because influential members of the majority continue to reassure Cops, only to be denied by the minister of the economy. Il Corriere della Sera, dated March 4 in which we made available on the News, writes that "at the next Council Tremonti will have to wait quite a decree already made for the release of funds."
A request that an extraordinary measure to remedy the situation and pay the roof of the equalization fund, which SAP calls for weeks together and now sees all the main organizations of the Security Fund, ready to manifest to Arcore March 14.
Not counting from 9 to 11 March will meet the highest organs of our union - the National Council and the executive - because we want the full involvement of colleagues and members of the ruling class of Sap. We are nestled in the defense of vested interests and not allow anyone, not even the professor of Sondrio, to continue to humiliate and offend the Police.
Proud to be a SAP!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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The Republic on the Colle del Quirinale
The referendum gave the country with the breath due to the slow emergence of a clear majority Republican.
Suspected manipulations and deceptions, launched lightly on the progress and results of voting, led the country to the brink of bitter and bloody riots. Although Rome did not occur in those tragic clashes that occurred in Naples, the city also lived with the anguish that day met a stiff opposition between the Quirinal and Interior Ministry. The royalist forces in fact advised the king to wait for a clear ruling by the Court of Cassation on the results of the referendum while the forces of the left and Republican generally demanded a quick solution to the crisis.
Roma lived directly and visually the contrast, through the spread of rumors often uncontrolled and alarmist and watching the flag hoisted on the tower monarchy remained of the royal palace.
The firmness which he showed De Gasperi's analysis of the situation, in restraining the government and pose a dilemma for resolving Umberto resolved the crisis and increased the general confidence in human beings to act now to compete for some needle from years of Italian life balance starts to rebuild.
They were, moreover, that year, in a climate of greater fervor, remember the good government of Giolitti.
In the photo on the top right De Nicola signature the Constitution of the State Republican, in the presence of De Gasperi and Terracini , president of the Constituent Assembly, which will put even after their signature ( December 22, 1947 ).
The second bottom right depicts De Gasperi Rai to speak to the Italians, after the departure of the king. We distinguish between persons of the following: Pietro Nenni and Giulio Andreotti .
left upper Minister Romita the final results of the referendum law. The republic won.
Lower Left Umberto di Savoia leaves the Quirinale, saluting the guard department. The flag fell from the tower, while a military aircraft departed from Ciampino to Portugal.
(Material found on the book, my property, "Vecchia Roma 1900/1950" Armando Rav - Musumeci Editore)
Friday, March 4, 2011
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The Colosseum
The Colosseum
The Colosseum
, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre or simply as Amphitheatrum is the most famous Roman amphitheater. Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, is the largest and most important Roman amphitheater, and the most imposing monument of ancient Rome which has come down to us.
The amphitheater was built on an area to the eastern boundary of the Roman Forum . Its construction was begun by Vespasian in 72 AD and inaugurated by Titus in ' 80 AD, and further amended made during the reign of Domitian . No longer in use after the sixth century, the huge structure was reused in various ways over the centuries, even as a quarry of material. The name "Colosseum", which derives from the nearby statue of Colossus of the Sun God (adaptation of the Colossus of Nero ), spread only in the Middle Ages. Soon, the building became a symbol of the imperial city, the expression of an ideology in which the celebration will come to define models for the entertainment of the people. Today is a city landmark and one of its major attractions tourist.
was used for gladiatorial shows and other public events (shows hunting, re-enactments of famous battles and dramas based on mythology classical). The tradition that he wants the place of martyrdom of Christians is unfounded. (1) expresses clearly the architectural concepts and construction of the first Roman Imperial Age, based respectively on the line and enveloping curve offered by the elliptical and the complexity of building systems. Arches are linked together in a tight structural relationship.
The building forms an ellipse of 527 m perimeter, with axes measuring 187.5 m to 156.5 m . The arena within measuring 86 m 54 m for , with an area of \u200b\u200b3,357 m² . The current height reaches 48.5 m , but originally came to 52 m .
The Colosseum, as the historical center of Rome, has been listed as World Heritage Sites from ' UNESCO in 1980 . In 2007 the complex was also inserted between the Seven Wonders of the World part of a controversial contest.
" Quamdiu stabit Colyseus stabit et Rome cum Colyseus cadet cadet et Roma; cum cadet Roma cadet et mundus. " | ( IT) " As long as the Colosseum, Rome will also exist; when he falls the Coliseum , will fall even Rome; when Rome falls, the world will also fall. " |
(Prophecy of venerable Bede , VIII century ) |
(1) also applies to gladiator duels. (Note the writer, the source Discovery Channel)
(Source: Wikipedia )
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Meta sweating
The large cone that until about 40 years ago had constituted one of the ruins characteristic Roman iconography, as early as the fourth century was known as "sweating Meta " arising from the similarity with an architectural structure in the circus that marked the point of arrival and departure of racing. Meta sweating the water that oozes from its walls to be harvested in the basin below, was a monumental fountain built around the first century AD and rebuilt during Constantine, sweating The goal was demolished in 1934 to facilitate any triumphal parades.
(Source Book of mine: Roman Images - Quasar Edition)
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magic and mysteries of Rome followed
Today we take a fascinating journey through the magic and mysteries of the Eternal City.
Good reading
Walking with Virgil (part I)
The gentle \u0026lt;savio everything seppe>
Author encyclopedic \u0026lt;tanto deep in the science of how pleasant ingegno>>. So they celebrated Macrobius (1) in V century. For Dante, eight centuries later, all that is noble \u0026lt;savio seppe>>, the \u0026lt;\u0026lt;mar all senno>>. Supreme Master of all knowledge, Virgil knows in the Middle Ages an extraordinary luck. To the point of increasing the glory already gained in the fastest time of the Rome of Augustus. The author of ' Aeneid, among the writers of antiquity, is arguably the most sena bed. And the entire medieval society devotes to a particular kind of worship, which germinate the legend of his unmatched knowledge and more human.
When Dante chose him to lead in the first part of his wonderful journey, Virgil is still the wise poet who had sung the origins of the eternal city and celebrating these ' Enea that Providence had chosen to father's empire. Soon, however, reversing the sign of the Middle Ages quite frequent in the atmosphere fantastic, miraculous powers are attributed to the poet who transformed it into a necromancer.
And the figure of the poet versed in astrology, mathematics, medicine, created the myth of Virgil magician. Moreover, any science that then exceeded the terms of the most common culture was considered magic. And magicians were considered * Gerbert a , a Roger Bacon (2) or Albertus Magnus *.
If the reputation of omniscience that surrounded the poet gave rise to views of magic, even the light of his doctrine in the ancient writers predisposed to this belief. The Aeneid VI hand, describing the descent of Aeneas in the underworld, contributes to credit even more \u0026lt;voce> a magician who can benefit from Virgil to his liking forces Averno.
Extraordinarily so long is the list of the wonders that are attributed to the poet in the Middle Ages: Many legends flourish in Naples, the city where the popular tradition, in agreement with the literary, places the tomb of Virgil. Among the miracles Neapolitan author of the Aeneid can remember: a bronze horse that has the ability to maintain the horses in the flesh from the sap knot, a door that Ferrea, Virgil behind which encloses all the snakes, by copious those parts, a slaughterhouse where the meat is kept fresh for six weeks, a bronze warrior with drawn bow, which curbs the eruptions of Vesuvius, and again, the same bones of Virgil kept in the Castel dell 'Ovo that when exposed to air, manage to disturb the air, disrupt the sea and cause a sudden storm.
But if Naples is presented as a large outbreak of legends Virgil, the poet obviously exerts its magic even in Rome, the city celebrated immortal Aeneid.
The web of wonders strobe operated by Virgil magician spreads throughout Urbe: woven a web of myths, legends and fascinating stories passed down from the collective memory.
(1) Ambrose Theodosius Macrobius was a philosopher, writer and official Roman . Scholar also astronomy .
(2) Roger Bacon known by the Latin name of Doctor Mirabilis was a philosopher, scientist , theologian and alchemist English . * Regarding Gerbert and Albert the Great, not having reliable sources, we have omitted information .
(source for the story, the book that I own: Rome magical and mysterious - Newton Compton Editori)
(Source of notes: Wikipedia )
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... magic and mystery of Rome
(source for the story, the book that I own: Rome magical and mysterious - Newton Compton Editori)
The terrible vengeance of Virgil (Part II)
Virgilian part of the itinerary from the Arch of Constantine next to the Colosseum, where can still see the floor plan of one of the oldest source of Rome, the Meta Sudans or the Meta sweating. It was so named because its massive cone-shaped structure was surmounted by a globe of bronze studded with holes from which the water came down like a veil (the sweat, in fact). At the spot where stood the artifact, overlapped the boundaries of four regions of the empire: hence the name Meta.
Fountain ( whose ruin was only removed in 1936 ) was famous in antiquity because the survivors of the bloody gladiator contests in the amphitheater near went there to cool off. In the Middle Ages Meta Sudans became a meeting point for lovers of the occult and spiritualists, so much so that Pope Gregory II \u0026lt;liberare> for the place had officially prohibit meetings that were held magic at the fountains, imposing severe punishments on offenders.
But what's interesting is that in medieval Rome the Meta Sudans earned the nickname \u0026lt; Torre di Virgilio "> due to a well-known and starring the legendary Boccaccio precisely the famous poet. It is said that Virgil, in love with the young and extremely beautiful daughter of an emperor (Augustus) Nero? Adriano?), Urging the girl to acquiesce to his desires dishonest. But she, pretending at first to accept his advances, he managed to cruel joke. The young Virgil calls to be found overnight under the tower where she lives to introduce it secretly into his room. Timely submit the appointment of the poet, and from a window of the girl, instead of braids Juliet, set a dinner sufficient capacity to contain the suitor, Virgil greedy for love and full of joy enters the basket and is putting up.
But when it comes to half of the course, the beloved is the wire rope and if they leave the poor Virgil suspended in midair. In the morning a crowd of grinning Roman rushes to see the spectacle of the poet \u0026lt;volante> miserably and mocked.
Virgil, however, reduced ground, devises a revenge adequate to insult so severe.
Using its magic, off fires throughout the city, and when the Romans come to him asking for help and advice, the poet replied that he could rekindle their households, only by placing the torch to the most intimate parts of girl whom he had been duped. And so we had to do. The wretched girl was taken in a public square and at the expense of his modesty replenished to the city on fire. Between laughs and insults irriferibili, we read in - Faictz merveilleux de Virgile - the Romans went to draw fire \u0026lt;à sa nature if entre jambes. The riches y boutoient des torches et des les fears Chandelles>
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Porta Latina
is among the most impressive and best preserved among the original doors of the entire walls and its name derives from that of the street that runs through it and that, in Roman times, was the way to reach up to Capua . Within the city began in the ancient Porta Capena of Servian walls, and just after it divided, in fact, in Via Latina and Via Appia , to rejoin again after Capua. The philologists the XIV century refer to a legend (the most obvious is the anachronism of the same) that the name derives from the fact that there would be hidden ( latens , in fact) the god Saturn , fleeing after being dethroned by his son Jupiter . From the thirteenth century is attested to the name of Free Port , but for which there is no trace of the eighteenth century in favor of the term "classical" Porta Latina.
The entire building, battlements, and flanked by two semicircular towers provided with slits, one on the right side, however, was entirely rebuilt by Honorius, and later restored in the Middle Ages. But the other suffered a rehash of some importance: it shows the presence of slits for archers instead of windows for ballistae , as in the original towers of Aureliano . In addition, the base of the tower has a different plan dall'alzato.
time Honorius also dates back to the remake travertine facade, which were open at the control room, five arched windows, which, however, were again closed quite early, in the sixth century . Access to the room for maneuver was allowed through a door, still in existence and functioning on the inside of the tower on the right. As was customary for the doors of some importance, was the outer lock gate, while the inner two doors. The fortified inner courtyard, with its double door, no longer exists.
But other than epidemics, a valid reason for the decline of the port was the progressive loss importance of the Via Latina in favor of the nearby Via Appia Nuova, or the proximity of the important Church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina managed to curb the crisis. Restoration of the seventeenth century , attested by the arms of Popes Pius II , Urban VIII and Alexander VII in the immediate vicinity, do not raise the fate of the door, which was finally closed for most of the ' 800 (from 1808 , except in a few months 1827) and was only reopened in 1911 , having also failed to block the Italian troops in September 1870 , had tried to open here, even before a Porta Pia, a breach.
(Source Wikipedia ) Trapezius Muscle With Dizziness
Porta Latina in the nineteenth century.
At the time of photography (XIX sec.) Nobody could go through the door for Latin America, as can see, is blocked by rocks and soil. The isolation of the small building that marks the site where John the Evangelist would emerge unscathed from the bath of boiling oil before being banished to Patmos. The oratory was built by a French prelate of which is crest with the motto "Au plaudits de Dieu."
(Source Book of mine: Roman Images - Quasar Edition)
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Origin of the square's name is uncertain: there is an etymology that derives the "people" from the Latin populus (poplar), based on the tradition that there were, in the area, a grove of poplars relevant to the tomb of Nero, who was there at. And historical information, however, that Pope Paschal II built a chapel near the walls upon which the present church was kind of Santa Maria del Popolo , of the people Madonna was the , became the People's Square.
obelisk Flaminio, named after the ancient Via Flaminia (originating from the adjacent square), is the second oldest in Rome. And 'High 24 meters, but with the base he reaches 34.
The obelisk is of Pharaoh Rames II and was planted in the center of the square by order of Pope Sixtus V. and work Domenico Fontana in 1589 .
E 'surrounded by four lions Egyptianising from which water flows.
(Source Book of mine: Roman Pictures - Quasar Edition)
(Source Wikipedia ) Cute Dslr Camera Bags
Piazza del Popolo Piazza del Popolo in the nineteenth century
(Source Book of mine: Roman Images - Quasar Edition)
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