Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unleashed Exception Gta Vc

PROUD TO BE SAP! The second security

From Flash No.11 of March 14, 2011
The three-day work of the Executive and the National Council of Rimini SAP, which confirmed our state of mobilization, brings home a first important result which must now be tested to prove the facts.
The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, in fact, is personally committed to scheduling the next Council of Ministers of March 23 a decree intended to remedy the situation on the roof of the equalization fund and pay , with the aim to ensure that forces of 'Order the payment of all allowances, of the shots, the career advancement and function checks.
It is a commitment made directly by the Head of Government on the eve of the event Arcore, where the Security and Defense Fund had announced plans to protest.
The response of Berlusconi - over the next few days should also follow a meeting with the trade unions - is certainly a non-negative and we take note.

Therefore, by mutual agreement with the Safety Check (SAP, Sappi, SAPAF) and CONAP with SIULP, UGL State Police, Prisons, Forestry and Fire Brigade, Prison FNS CISL, Forestry and brigade Fuocoe with the full support and the National Executive Council, it was decided to suspend - Not cancel - the manifestation of the March 14 Arcore, ready to re-scheduling if there will be news in the next two weeks.
It is also to be understood, moreover, what resources will be used for this operation of "protection" of our allowance, given the opportunity to draw - at least in part - to the ambushes laid by January for the reordering of the careers of 119 million.
We'll see, and as always, try to judge all the facts.

That said, it behooves me here to account for our members and all Members of the findings of the work of the Executive and the National Council Independent Police Trade Union, which has seen agree in Rimini for three days, the highest national frameworks of our organization. A union
healthy, both economically and with regard members, all proud and proud to be the only ones not to have organic relationships with federations and political parties.
The only people who have no resources other than those of colleagues who pay the monthly pass.
The only ones who can always say how they think, in complete autonomy, without being other-directed.

The only - and say it loud - not tax the fellow with the delegation of the thirteenth!

The union leaders of the SAP I have represented, really, the issues that my colleagues on several living areas, where disturbance to the funding cuts for the broken promises of the government and the continuing violations dell'ANQ are felt in practice .
The trade union response is and will be the mobilization of a strong, continuous and permanent.
We will see now, as I mentioned in the incipit of this editorial, if the personal commitment of the Knight lead to something good.
A commitment that is not born by chance, but that is a child of our efforts and our battles.
This must be clear.

In any case, the historical claims of the Union of Independent Police - Supplementary pension and reordering of careers in the first place - remain the focus of our action, are important targets to be pursued in the interest of colleagues and the citizens themselves.
The Executive and the National Council, as well as greet and pay tribute to some of our good union leaders who have left us a well-deserved retirement, made a number of important decisions.

Among these determinations, the decision to establish the SAP RETIRED within the same Independent Police Union, with procedures and time limits that will now be studied in detail.
This is an important innovation that will allow for many colleagues to go to stay retired, if they so choose, actively available to our large family, to be better protected and able to lend a hand to review

SITUATION AND CONTESTS 'was also addressed the issue of competition, especially as regards the role of the Stewards.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba unique competition and raises concerns for those directly involved in the coming days the Department to have a clearer picture and to propose measures to ensure all my colleagues, notwithstanding the need to proceed with of calls as soon as possible.

TRAINING union officials from the three days
Rimini is also the will to invest more in training of union officials and the Secretary General welcomed this line.
will leave in the coming months a series of training courses that will involve first of all Regional and Provincial Secretaries and that will take advantage of the collaboration of university teachers and trainers of excellence.

Last but not least, the National Executive Council and confirmed that among the priorities of the union can not be the morale and welfare of staff. So we
launched the psychological questionnaire on our website and also to all members of SAP will be distributed in an easy tutorial on police stress, with very clear explanations and sug-gerimenti interesting, which bears the signature of the prestigious Dr. And Dr. Luigi Lucchetti. Felix B. Lecce, welcome guests in Rimini.
Moreover, I am sorry to report, just on Thursday and Friday last a worthy colleague of the Road of Rome took his own life.
yet another case, a situation which we can not and we never get used.
also why we are committed very strongly - and not now! - The morale and welfare of staff.

finish so maybe a little ' informal, but I want to externalize my satisfaction, supported by three days of Romagna, the solidity of a union - the SAP - still expected to play a leading role in the months and years to come, thanks to a hard core and proud of colleagues that follows us with passion and a ruling class in each office or department that fights for the rights of colleagues with great determination and above all honesty.

Today more than ever our slogan is topical ...
Proud to be a SAP!


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