Thursday, February 14, 2008

Usb To Rca Cable Best Buy


had not yet turned off the echo of thissenkrupp tragedy, anger and grief for the seven workers burnt to death, that a new tragedy of Marghera, has revived the issue starkly white murders and accidents at work.
deaths and massacres at work is a structural attribute of this process.
are implicit and taken for granted. are the price to be paid to the logic of profit. You can not imagine working "clean" in a conception of productive activities exaggerated and unhealthy, where the worker is simply a tool or, at most, a machine a bit 'more complex, of which one takes care only in terms of use led to exhaustion (or breaking), convenience and ease of replacement.
marghera and continuous chain of fatal industrial accidents that have occurred, they give us, unfortunately, right.
an empty oxygen tank, a fire extinguisher fumes are a metaphor for this situation: Empty containers exposed to embellish reality a cruel and devastating.
as well as empty containers are the laws on security, the delegates that he should occupy: first inapplicable, powerless (at best) seconde.semplici the shell to impossible conditions in which very often takes place on paid work in the company of profit at any cost.
as a container that is emptying is the category of collective bargaining.
the latest demonstration it is the end of the metalworkers' contract: a handful of € (127 gross) compared to a struggle for months and months.
is not a large figure considering the loss of purchasing power of wages in recent years and that net will rise to about € 90. the problem is that this figure does not correspond to reality.
the 127 €, in fact, are intended for employees of the fifth level, while the figure the largest is a third level that will gross out and running € 109.
increases are phased in fact: less than half was paid in January 2008 and about one quarter respectively in January and September 2009. but not sufficient, the employer covers the nine months of 2007 to vacation contract with only one off of 267 euro (worth about thirty € per month deducted from wages in the face of strikes), this time the same for everyone, and above all, obtain an extension of the contract period from 24 to 30 months.
but, beyond the poor results achieved, and despite strong protests by the workers, the path is clear: to empty the national collective bargaining strength of each and any significance in favor of corporate, further fragmenting the remaining claims of working class power, separating the fate of the strongest sectors of the weaker ones, still ultimately weakening solidarity.
the third container, more empty, it is the mythical and combative "FIOM underlying increasingly (but there were doubts?) To Ukaz confederations, the Confederation of arrogance and political mediation.
that this bad contract (which also includes the increase in overtime allowed, and circumvents the problem of insecurity) has been approved by the Central Committee of Fiom with 103 yes, 12 no and 5 abstained.
then we wonder, what happened to bring the "rebel" FIOM a few months ago had no expenditures during the referendum on the welfare to speak, speaking through his secretary general, "significant and important issues, despite elements of suffering? "
is quite clear that, within the CGIL, has worked with strength and determination to return to the right of resisting FIOM and that the operation has succeeded very well.
own in the matter of the referendum on welfare can find the seeds of the failure of Rinaldini and his people. Fiom, in fact, had tried to force on a political terrain generally having as the left side of the Union and had broken bones in this very each other because, in that while denouncing the referendum was rigged, he accepted the dynamic and above all the consequences.
not remember who, among other things, the demonstration of October 20, 2007 that had seen tens of thousands of workers and union activists seek to "enforce its own program," fill the trains, buses and ferries without anything done except to ensure consensus and PDCI prc?
who does not remember the absence of the "front of the no" even though he had promised havoc in the meetings that prepared the referendum, the strike of unions based on 9 November?
a lesson for so many people who are still longing for a left and a FIOM CGIL combative, ready to return to the terrain of class struggle, must sooner or later accept or accept the consequences.
the alternative is to defeat to defeat-that-will prevail among the workers a sense of resignation and inevitability of a downward slope into which the working class movement was forced for years.
for our part we are not and we continue to think that we can build a movement of self-organized workers in conflict, which has regained its roots in solidarity with one another in mutual support experienced first employed by us. we are not afraid to proclaim our incompatibility with this system of exploitation and death at work in the job.

from "class struggle"


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