Monday, March 31, 2008

Prince Concert Musicology

97 cups of coffee

97 cups of coffee




109.54 euros, and gross in three installments,
- 10.39% of INPS, 29.57% of national income tax, 1.5% of personal income tax and the Common Rule. = 67.94 Euro
net (or the equivalent of about 97 coffee) deferred in 30 months and only 267 Euro once.

For a worker of the 3rd Categ. the hourly pay has increased from 7.29 to 7.59 euros, increasing by 30 Cent. GROSS.


Fim, Fiom, Uilm, Fismic Ugl ambiguity (good final, with the "powder" national pro-Veltroni gives interviews and appoints the Secretary-reg. Without the Congress) would consent to a contract that also includes:

- not valid for two more years but for 30 months;
- driven by the increase in 4 to 5 rounds, with no impediments for public holidays and nights;
- the theft of a PAR transformed into the working day to retrieve the 'the following year;
- duration of temporary employment and various precarious, for 44 months;
- no reform of the' sole management and more difficult to go from 3rd to 4th level.

The credentials of delegates to the Security remain as they were, almost symbolic.

The increase of the contract period of thirty months, is leading the way in attempts to unravel the National Agreement.

With skyrocketing fuel, increases in utility bills and an unstoppable rising cost of living, rising cost of living
over 600, oo Euro down 'year for family, you Metalworkers by the alms of 27.18 Euro per year (in 2.5 years = 67.94) by staying WAGES Metalworkers ITALIAN, the lowest D 'EUROPA, as recognized by the Bank d' Italy.
's latest report, Mediobanca has recognized that in the last 15 years of industry profits have increased
's 8% a year and wages by only 0.4% per year. A hunger
this contract must say NO,
not without grumbling and complaining and then go out and vote (because both things are always the same!)

If you think you disagree with not voting, you know that only helps to win the SI.

we ask you to vote and to be vigilant.

A victory of the NO SATA will restore hope to all the Italian metalworkers.
A victory of NO in Italy will re-open negotiations for more substantial increases.

We, strongly, that the vote among the employees there are also representatives of NO at night to avoid falling in the polls "accidentally" Prevot cards (as has already happened). Dear

voting would express your consent to those who condemn you to this condition.
the referendum on the Agreement VOTE

PS: Fiat against alternative by itself can not stand it. Before you get help from Bergamo and now Neapolitans antigeometri.

Alternative Auditors Melfi



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