Monday, March 31, 2008

What Corner Should I Install Soap Dishes In

die of work that statistics are not enough


statistics on accidents at work is a ritual. INAIL and other institutions of national prevention "make available statistics that serve amorphous up to write an article, in the third or fourth page. Some

Newspaper reports. All confirm that the year before maybe there were more accidents and that the trend is downward. The allegations, if you go to look for articles in the press last year, are always the same.

is always the same spiel. there are data, but you can not understand the purpose of INAIL and other institutions every year without fail if the figures confirm the great tragedy of occupational accidents. What is being discussed is hot air and you come to regard as central to the responsibilities of workers.

This responsibility is enshrined in Law 626 on a personal basis. In reality, the workers happy and they must always comply with the requirements of the master. Safety and prevention are two expensive components. Less apply unless the employee costs that will never be able to challenge and if we get a dismissal is ready, maybe not immediately but the next crisis of production. Many trade unionists

off fires that burn with the death of workers, they are not sorry, but only need statistics to put pressure on an institution dedicated to the prevention of accidents at work by standing to bring within the security in total labor cost . Growing only additional bureaucratic hierarchies.

the capitalist economy can hardly meet the security requirements.

compression of wages and salaries does not leave much to implement prevention plans.

This figure does not draw down or arising from the improvements found 626. years that are repeats the same liturgy. I'd like to know how many employers take into proper consideration the needs of accident prevention.

Every single employee is blackmailed by the owner and security is most likely an option that ends up being the responsibility of those deaths.

are dead. Is monetized loss of life or disability. INAIL all papers in order, after four workers per day is a statistically acceptable, as the world's countries and places where perhaps there are in abundance.

In Italy all I am aware that this data is in default, that the deaths and accidents at work reached the highest figures.

common idea is that workers with lower cost the better. Very often the statistics do not include the black, which as we know it grew and invests large groups of workers who work without basic safety requirements.

fact, over 25% of gross domestic product is produced with irregular work, black and submerged.

, security costs and impact on labor costs in our hierarchical society divided into classes and castes is crucial to ensure the current development.

In recent years many laws have been enacted that directly attacked the workers' income.

Accident prevention becomes a component of the implementation of which should have no additional costs.

The law of profit the most ferocious compresses and provides more gain.

the employee does not just have to let our guard down and risk the crash. Mica

all jobs are like that, some are even worse.

In Italy there are almost two million illegal immigrants, there is the scourge of illegal employment of child labor, which is on the rise recently. "To be less profitable because the minister of Education has made available to young people and workers who work virtually for free, indeed, perhaps to make a good reform must give the possibility for owners to be paid for training. " The insecurity is growing, a spot of ' oil. The incidence of accidents is much higher among temporary workers.

We know that in recent years the so-called Treu and Biagi law introduced new regulations that come from their illegal work.

Many contracts are temporary in nature and inexperience played a central role on the causes of accidents.

We are responsible safety and there have been many training courses on work-related accidents, many are held just the unions where the trainers are well aware that out of there relations with the employers do not reflect the law.

The strength of workers gains weight if there is solidarity. When he dies a servant of the state are crying to the news for days. The other die only at work! Every day, four workers die and many more injured, but their death is passed regardless of the fact that they were working.

the morning no worker dies or becomes unable to think, why work should not count their death.

We know and we know that workers have fewer guarantees of a few years ago.

Who employs reiterates that the first goal is productivity and the new karma that you have to standardize all its sites, is the principle of competition.

What competition? That between the Italian industrial sectors and China? Or the many companies in expansion, so as to ensure the exploitation of workers in fearful conditions.

production is tied to the cost of production in developing countries and to the pockets of black labor in developed countries.

The industrialists are, very good, for the made in italy, new opportunities market.

must chase the increase in productivity in both home and away. And indeed, the market for labor will move according to production needs. The market is where the workforce suffers the cost savings and ensure the increase in earnings. Goods and workers are treated equally. We cry our strong opposition to the choices that now seem inevitable to guarantee the work, we cry out loud that security is required and is not compensated for.

is a need for awareness that bypasses the boundaries and bring the workers to keep in mind that no one returns my life. Every worker killed is proof that capitalism research profit in the forms and the most profitable production.

Every fight continued to improve working conditions is a struggle to safeguard the rights of men and women and also against the monstrosity of child labor.

The fight for the respect of the most elementary conditions for work safety awareness goes to the employees themselves. No delegation to the bosses and trade unions in the shadow of profit.


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