Savelli - XXVII Chestnut
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Topless Cruise Ship Celebrity
Strong and compact in the protection of personnel.
that once again the timing of the political union and the Italian Security and the National Executive of the organization, meeting in Rimini in the 28th and 29th October, has supported the decisions of the General Secretariat, after the signing of the Agreement which will rapidly lead to payment increases arrears and expected, the objective focuses on the key issues of pensions, supplementary pensions, the rearrangement of the careers and specificity.
During the meeting, the highest governing body of the SAP, in fact, was presented a new and innovative service which will allow all our members to know, with a simple computer that will be managed by Rome in collaboration with the Regional Offices and Provincial, the exact amount of the pension next and future, in addition to a dedicated support.
The service will start in the coming days and we will soon notice.
to our members, will also be distributed later this year - together the usual gadgets and exclusive SAP license plate - a very useful booklet updated with the latest news on social security, as well as practical "instructions" to calculate his pension .
The security issues become, therefore, the most important objective to be pursued in the near term: a conviction that has found full support of the National Executive of the Independent Trade Union of Police.
In recent days, not surprisingly, we wrote a letter to the ministers Maroni Brunetta and ask for an urgent meeting and seek clarification about the latest round Inpdap who are creating discomfort to many operators who acquired the right to go into retirement in 2011, with the possibility of implementing the provisions concerning the so-called "floating windows".
possible that in our opinion can not exist well in view of the specificity legislation that finally passed in a final and now only awaiting the signature of the President of the Republic, provides protection specifically for women and men of the Forces Order.
But there's more.
contract ended the game - hopefully very soon with the publication in the Official Gazette of the relevant presidential decree, as recently reaffirmed by the SAP by the Department of Public Service - no longer be postponed the start of the security tables Additional .
younger colleagues intended to retire in the coming years are likely, in fact, to starve if nothing is done immediately, filling a delay that we carry with us - with clear responsibility of the governments of left and right that have succeeded - even since 1995. Even for this, the action of SAP continues in all directions, including the political level, that is carried on the bill that would allow a smoothing Ramponi, as we have repeatedly pointed out, the fifteen years since the Dini reform. Members
SAP, however, can count on our action on pensions - for free! - Which continues to move forward and that is an additional element of protection for its general police staff.
the background, as reaffirmed by national leaders of our organization during the two days of Rimini, remains the question of reorganization of careers and resources you need to make it .
The SAP, which is still waiting for a final clarification on stalking necessary economic reform, consider this essential goal and certainly will not make a decision expected to fall by the wayside for too many years by all staff.
These strategies, concrete, the largest independent trade union of the State Police continues to pursue with the full support of all its leaders and especially the colleagues who trust us with your subscription.
commitments that will never give up under any circumstances, because carved deep in our DNA ...
Proud to be a SAP!
that once again the timing of the political union and the Italian Security and the National Executive of the organization, meeting in Rimini in the 28th and 29th October, has supported the decisions of the General Secretariat, after the signing of the Agreement which will rapidly lead to payment increases arrears and expected, the objective focuses on the key issues of pensions, supplementary pensions, the rearrangement of the careers and specificity.
During the meeting, the highest governing body of the SAP, in fact, was presented a new and innovative service which will allow all our members to know, with a simple computer that will be managed by Rome in collaboration with the Regional Offices and Provincial, the exact amount of the pension next and future, in addition to a dedicated support.
The service will start in the coming days and we will soon notice.
to our members, will also be distributed later this year - together the usual gadgets and exclusive SAP license plate - a very useful booklet updated with the latest news on social security, as well as practical "instructions" to calculate his pension .
The security issues become, therefore, the most important objective to be pursued in the near term: a conviction that has found full support of the National Executive of the Independent Trade Union of Police.
In recent days, not surprisingly, we wrote a letter to the ministers Maroni Brunetta and ask for an urgent meeting and seek clarification about the latest round Inpdap who are creating discomfort to many operators who acquired the right to go into retirement in 2011, with the possibility of implementing the provisions concerning the so-called "floating windows".
possible that in our opinion can not exist well in view of the specificity legislation that finally passed in a final and now only awaiting the signature of the President of the Republic, provides protection specifically for women and men of the Forces Order.
But there's more.
contract ended the game - hopefully very soon with the publication in the Official Gazette of the relevant presidential decree, as recently reaffirmed by the SAP by the Department of Public Service - no longer be postponed the start of the security tables Additional .
younger colleagues intended to retire in the coming years are likely, in fact, to starve if nothing is done immediately, filling a delay that we carry with us - with clear responsibility of the governments of left and right that have succeeded - even since 1995. Even for this, the action of SAP continues in all directions, including the political level, that is carried on the bill that would allow a smoothing Ramponi, as we have repeatedly pointed out, the fifteen years since the Dini reform. Members
SAP, however, can count on our action on pensions - for free! - Which continues to move forward and that is an additional element of protection for its general police staff.
the background, as reaffirmed by national leaders of our organization during the two days of Rimini, remains the question of reorganization of careers and resources you need to make it .
The SAP, which is still waiting for a final clarification on stalking necessary economic reform, consider this essential goal and certainly will not make a decision expected to fall by the wayside for too many years by all staff.
These strategies, concrete, the largest independent trade union of the State Police continues to pursue with the full support of all its leaders and especially the colleagues who trust us with your subscription.
commitments that will never give up under any circumstances, because carved deep in our DNA ...
Proud to be a SAP!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Ipa File To Jar Converter
In recent days, the Chamber of Deputies finally fired in the so-called "labor bill" that contains several provisions of interest to the Security Fund, the first among all the rule recognized SCE Specificity of our profession, to another already approved by Parliament last March after a long battle of the SAP in its DNA - independent and not linked to federations and political parties - the request for a "Decoupling" of the State Police from the rest of the civil service, according to a diversity that is essentially in a profession that involves substantial risks to personal safety and that above all it requires skills and training other than a civil servant!
The measure was referred to the rooms in private Mavera by the President of the Republic, following several considerations that have affected the issue of arbitration in labor and not the special interests, but remained unchanged in March.
The final signature of the President Napolitano finally become a standard in State Law that is essential for the present and especially the future of the State Police.
Indispensable, we want to say out loud, the attempts to stem growing stronger that the current government is working to render meaningless the very specificity, with economic decisions and regulations that hinder the Security Fund and to date have been only parts of it thanks to the strong and ongoing SAP and major trade unions of police.
It is no coincidence that, for the first time since 1981, the year of our great reformers, the union finds itself alongside the Department against the insane policy of indiscriminate cuts to resources that have real and often tragic consequences, as affecting, among others, the payment of overtime, the restaurant tickets (in Naples there is' a shameful situation), on clothing, maintenance of vehicles, the mission allowances, to name a few.
And we also want to understand what's happening in our self-reliant, as would be problems even with regard to the good fuel and fuel cards.
specificity, once it becomes law of the State (hopefully soon), will be a bulwark against these attempts to con-sacrificing safety in our country.
destabilizing attempts are particularly striking because they come from a government that, after the troubles caused by the Executive Prodi promised during the election campaign focus on law enforcement.
What we have seen so far has not and what has been achieved it is due solely to the work of the union, the only dam in these attempts.
and all links should be aware that weaken the union means to do damage in the first place to themselves.
Among the staff these days is concern over the issue of automated detection of admissions: the Independent Police Union opposes and will oppose all times and in any way to attempt to introduce turnstiles or similar instruments in our offices.
This is not the way to save money and most importantly, repeat, we are not civil servants for whom, in view of their employment, it is quite possible to envisage this type of control.
No amount of experimentation, however, will leave without the consent of the SAP and the main police union: we've made it clear to the Department, not by chance that date to be returned to the meeting to be held in these days, and we available to discuss any alternatives to signing a paper in electronic form, enabling them to detect the extraordinary result.
But the problems, let us be quite clear, not born at the Interior Ministry, but at the political level. Accountancy a policy that the accountant would Fantozzi been able to do: cut, cuts and more cuts, without distinguishing the waste from excellence.
And the State Police is an excellent.
recognition of the specific does just that, also to ensure that you change along the way the social security pension system because of questionable interpretations of existing rules by INPDAP.
We watch and we continue to be vigilant so that no one dreams of emptying the contents of a principle that all share today, but that is born - never forget it! - Independent from the history, unique and unrepeatable Independent Police Union.
Proud to be a SAP!

The measure was referred to the rooms in private Mavera by the President of the Republic, following several considerations that have affected the issue of arbitration in labor and not the special interests, but remained unchanged in March.
The final signature of the President Napolitano finally become a standard in State Law that is essential for the present and especially the future of the State Police.
Indispensable, we want to say out loud, the attempts to stem growing stronger that the current government is working to render meaningless the very specificity, with economic decisions and regulations that hinder the Security Fund and to date have been only parts of it thanks to the strong and ongoing SAP and major trade unions of police.
It is no coincidence that, for the first time since 1981, the year of our great reformers, the union finds itself alongside the Department against the insane policy of indiscriminate cuts to resources that have real and often tragic consequences, as affecting, among others, the payment of overtime, the restaurant tickets (in Naples there is' a shameful situation), on clothing, maintenance of vehicles, the mission allowances, to name a few.
And we also want to understand what's happening in our self-reliant, as would be problems even with regard to the good fuel and fuel cards.
specificity, once it becomes law of the State (hopefully soon), will be a bulwark against these attempts to con-sacrificing safety in our country.
destabilizing attempts are particularly striking because they come from a government that, after the troubles caused by the Executive Prodi promised during the election campaign focus on law enforcement.
What we have seen so far has not and what has been achieved it is due solely to the work of the union, the only dam in these attempts.
and all links should be aware that weaken the union means to do damage in the first place to themselves.
Among the staff these days is concern over the issue of automated detection of admissions: the Independent Police Union opposes and will oppose all times and in any way to attempt to introduce turnstiles or similar instruments in our offices.
This is not the way to save money and most importantly, repeat, we are not civil servants for whom, in view of their employment, it is quite possible to envisage this type of control.
No amount of experimentation, however, will leave without the consent of the SAP and the main police union: we've made it clear to the Department, not by chance that date to be returned to the meeting to be held in these days, and we available to discuss any alternatives to signing a paper in electronic form, enabling them to detect the extraordinary result.
But the problems, let us be quite clear, not born at the Interior Ministry, but at the political level. Accountancy a policy that the accountant would Fantozzi been able to do: cut, cuts and more cuts, without distinguishing the waste from excellence.
And the State Police is an excellent.
recognition of the specific does just that, also to ensure that you change along the way the social security pension system because of questionable interpretations of existing rules by INPDAP.
We watch and we continue to be vigilant so that no one dreams of emptying the contents of a principle that all share today, but that is born - never forget it! - Independent from the history, unique and unrepeatable Independent Police Union.
Proud to be a SAP!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Where To Buy Claxton Fruit Cake In Miami
Our, sometimes, it really is a strange country. A nation where often the chatter from bar based on nothing and uncritical view pictures and video clips, broadcast on television in particular, process, and completely distort the facts.
often to the detriment, sorry to say, right of women and men of the State Police and law enforcement officers.
In a normal country, Cops in service of public policy in Genoa during the soccer match Italy - Serbia not only were not criticized, but they would have had even a prize for having avoided , with their professionalism and their sacrifice (do not forget that there were injuries among colleagues), a massacre safe, worse than the infamous Heysel, which occurred 25 years ago and that blood stains the cup final between Juventus and Liverpool champions with the death of forty people, mostly of Italian origin.
The behavior of the police in Genoa, under the coordination of police, was excellent in the given situation : it is prevented that the criminals Slavic put on fire the city before the match, during the race, also has been avoided that there were deaths and serious injuries. It was not a case, it was not a fluke.
All this occurred because the State Police public order, despite a thousand difficulties, you know do well.
And he does well because the operators are accustomed to act with responsibility and sacrifice. The
SAP, already in the damn evening that saw the break of the match then Italy, spoke for the first through the agency Ansa to reiterate its support to colleagues who, from this point of view, have been also found the full comfort of the Chief of Police .
We also appreciated the words later, the Minister Maroni, who rightly remembered as the responsibility of the arrival in Italy of these violent fans disguised as results from the Serbian institutions and their limited intelligence.
appreciate less Maroni recently when, responding to questions during a public initiative of a journalist that he remembered the cuts to fund safety, relayed that day by our report appeared in the pages of the newspaper I read "(see our website) said that the controversy about the cuts themselves are contradicted by the results .
Interior Minister knows better than us to make investigations and arrests, to ensure the security and peaceful living of citizens are not politicians who sit in Parliament, but Cops, Police, Magistrates. And if the results come in and continue to arrive, the credit goes only to the professionalism and commitment of colleagues. How to Genoa, where police have been avoided thanks to a terrible tragedy.
The government in recent days launched a few hours in the so-called law of stability for the year 2011, the old financial to understand each other, which now passes to the House and Senate, where, among other things, the discussion of the new budget document, now called "DFP" (Decision of public finances), which covers the period 2011-2013. These are measures which, at first glance, do not add anything new with respect to corrective action three years from about 25 billion approved last summer.
But now the Italian Parliament can not get concrete answers to the Security Fund, as promised, and more recently reaffirmed by the Government.
on one thing you have to be sure: we are proud to be a policeman and we are proud of our uniform.
We are members of the State Police and civilian employees who do not stamp or a card through a turnstile: those who confuse things, those who think that an opinion, a circular or misinterpreted a provision might be sufficient to force those who wear our uniform to be something other than what they are wrong.
and sell dear skin to continue to defend and protect the interests of colleagues, as we have shown and done in thirty years of glorious history of trade union autonomy. History that no other organization can match. Without fear of contradiction.
Proud to be a SAP!
often to the detriment, sorry to say, right of women and men of the State Police and law enforcement officers.
In a normal country, Cops in service of public policy in Genoa during the soccer match Italy - Serbia not only were not criticized, but they would have had even a prize for having avoided , with their professionalism and their sacrifice (do not forget that there were injuries among colleagues), a massacre safe, worse than the infamous Heysel, which occurred 25 years ago and that blood stains the cup final between Juventus and Liverpool champions with the death of forty people, mostly of Italian origin.
The behavior of the police in Genoa, under the coordination of police, was excellent in the given situation : it is prevented that the criminals Slavic put on fire the city before the match, during the race, also has been avoided that there were deaths and serious injuries. It was not a case, it was not a fluke.
All this occurred because the State Police public order, despite a thousand difficulties, you know do well.
And he does well because the operators are accustomed to act with responsibility and sacrifice. The
SAP, already in the damn evening that saw the break of the match then Italy, spoke for the first through the agency Ansa to reiterate its support to colleagues who, from this point of view, have been also found the full comfort of the Chief of Police .
We also appreciated the words later, the Minister Maroni, who rightly remembered as the responsibility of the arrival in Italy of these violent fans disguised as results from the Serbian institutions and their limited intelligence.
appreciate less Maroni recently when, responding to questions during a public initiative of a journalist that he remembered the cuts to fund safety, relayed that day by our report appeared in the pages of the newspaper I read "(see our website) said that the controversy about the cuts themselves are contradicted by the results .
Interior Minister knows better than us to make investigations and arrests, to ensure the security and peaceful living of citizens are not politicians who sit in Parliament, but Cops, Police, Magistrates. And if the results come in and continue to arrive, the credit goes only to the professionalism and commitment of colleagues. How to Genoa, where police have been avoided thanks to a terrible tragedy.
The government in recent days launched a few hours in the so-called law of stability for the year 2011, the old financial to understand each other, which now passes to the House and Senate, where, among other things, the discussion of the new budget document, now called "DFP" (Decision of public finances), which covers the period 2011-2013. These are measures which, at first glance, do not add anything new with respect to corrective action three years from about 25 billion approved last summer.
But now the Italian Parliament can not get concrete answers to the Security Fund, as promised, and more recently reaffirmed by the Government.
on one thing you have to be sure: we are proud to be a policeman and we are proud of our uniform.
We are members of the State Police and civilian employees who do not stamp or a card through a turnstile: those who confuse things, those who think that an opinion, a circular or misinterpreted a provision might be sufficient to force those who wear our uniform to be something other than what they are wrong.
and sell dear skin to continue to defend and protect the interests of colleagues, as we have shown and done in thirty years of glorious history of trade union autonomy. History that no other organization can match. Without fear of contradiction.
Proud to be a SAP!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Alcohol Swollen Glands
1-31/09/2010: views of the Aspromonte
Um months elapsed between the Aspromonte mountains. Some pictures taken in the few spare moments available. Nothing particularly successful photographically: I also tried to bring home some memories of that wonderful land.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
How Do I Describe Biological Interrelationships
SAP Pain and sorrow for the military dead, but politics ...
Rome, October 9 - ( Adnkronos) - "Belonging to the police and armed forces, although in different professional 'and powers are united in love for the homeland and upholding the principles of democracy, justice and legality' in Italy abroad. For this reason, the Italian police are united in grief and condolences to the families of soldiers who have died in Afghanistan, young boys who have paid a high tribute of blood and unacceptable. "
E 'assertion Nicola Tanzi, the secretary general of the police union Wis.
"Who has the burden and honor of governing this country on behalf of the Italians - says Tanzi - do not ask you to remember the men in uniform only when someone dies doing his duty, but in the first place when there are political choices concrete to do, especially with regard to financial resources for organizations, resources, facilities and salaries of police and armed forces. " (Sin / Ct / Adnkronos) 09-OCT-10 15:12 NNNN
Rome, October 9 - ( Adnkronos) - "Belonging to the police and armed forces, although in different professional 'and powers are united in love for the homeland and upholding the principles of democracy, justice and legality' in Italy abroad. For this reason, the Italian police are united in grief and condolences to the families of soldiers who have died in Afghanistan, young boys who have paid a high tribute of blood and unacceptable. "
E 'assertion Nicola Tanzi, the secretary general of the police union Wis.
"Who has the burden and honor of governing this country on behalf of the Italians - says Tanzi - do not ask you to remember the men in uniform only when someone dies doing his duty, but in the first place when there are political choices concrete to do, especially with regard to financial resources for organizations, resources, facilities and salaries of police and armed forces. " (Sin / Ct / Adnkronos) 09-OCT-10 15:12 NNNN
Friday, October 8, 2010
Answers To Element Crossword By Robert Becker
allowances and entitlements. Military
We decided not to limit ourselves to the reminders, but to go to court if necessary, as it has in some reality of our country - Udine, Bologna, Pescara, just to name a few - where the effort of the Regional and Provincial Offices SAP was key to obtaining injunctions and protect our ad hoc members.
We are serious and sensible organization, which does not live by demagoguery or false promises, especially at this time cancellations of membership and where many (children) make false papers to gain entry to a colleague.
organization that its 20,000 members strong, proud of their ideas and their own history, not only to "tax" the thirteenth month with the retention of auditors, has shown a sense of responsibility by signing a contract that in the current political and especially economic, is the best you could get.
But the sense of responsibility that characterizes the Independent Police Union does not make us go back one step in the concrete and real protection of the rights of the staff, especially those who risk their lives, carrying out delicate investigations, which are engaged in the services which put a strain on the psycho-physical resistance.
people who earn by the sweat of the brow and overtime allowances, which are not a prize for his work, but an entitlement based on years of trade union battles. A
not give us these rights and not never give up, because the State Police and the Police - despite the many difficulties that we all know - can every day to ensure the safety of citizens, to investigate, bring to justice criminals and dangerous criminals.
And this is certainly not due to politics, as we have reported several times, boasts of its successes, but only thanks to the professionalism and dedication of women and men who wear the uniform of the glorious State Police.
This is unacceptable conduct of the Treasury and the Central State Accounting forcing our department to shorten each day most of the already skimpy blanket deferral of months and sometimes years of overtime payments and allowances to which specialty, you should not ever forget, are paid through resources allocated from regular highways, railways and Poste ... Resources
then "lose" in the ministerial budget items, more and more in asphyxiation because of those who can not distinguish the chaff from the grain and requires long cuts that greatly affected the Fund Security!
E 'became intolerable for the delay with which, increasingly, are the fringe benefits paid to his colleagues, since the outstanding amounts due up to the due to staff in the service of the specialties of the Traffic Police, the Police Station and Police Post and Communication.
We have repeatedly recognized the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, a commitment on the issues that concern us.
We would like the owner of the interior ministry spending of its weight and prestige more vigorously in the Council of Ministers, especially in relation to - read Tremonti - of those who continue to hold tight the purse strings.
We, however, does not intend to leave no stone unturned and will continue to protect our members the best. Even
to court if necessary. But
need, First, a political turning point. Why Cops
Italians, to advance their family, pay the mortgage payments or bills, they need facts and not to talk.
Proud to be a SAP!
taken from
We decided not to limit ourselves to the reminders, but to go to court if necessary, as it has in some reality of our country - Udine, Bologna, Pescara, just to name a few - where the effort of the Regional and Provincial Offices SAP was key to obtaining injunctions and protect our ad hoc members.
We are serious and sensible organization, which does not live by demagoguery or false promises, especially at this time cancellations of membership and where many (children) make false papers to gain entry to a colleague.
organization that its 20,000 members strong, proud of their ideas and their own history, not only to "tax" the thirteenth month with the retention of auditors, has shown a sense of responsibility by signing a contract that in the current political and especially economic, is the best you could get.
But the sense of responsibility that characterizes the Independent Police Union does not make us go back one step in the concrete and real protection of the rights of the staff, especially those who risk their lives, carrying out delicate investigations, which are engaged in the services which put a strain on the psycho-physical resistance.
people who earn by the sweat of the brow and overtime allowances, which are not a prize for his work, but an entitlement based on years of trade union battles. A
not give us these rights and not never give up, because the State Police and the Police - despite the many difficulties that we all know - can every day to ensure the safety of citizens, to investigate, bring to justice criminals and dangerous criminals.
And this is certainly not due to politics, as we have reported several times, boasts of its successes, but only thanks to the professionalism and dedication of women and men who wear the uniform of the glorious State Police.
This is unacceptable conduct of the Treasury and the Central State Accounting forcing our department to shorten each day most of the already skimpy blanket deferral of months and sometimes years of overtime payments and allowances to which specialty, you should not ever forget, are paid through resources allocated from regular highways, railways and Poste ... Resources
then "lose" in the ministerial budget items, more and more in asphyxiation because of those who can not distinguish the chaff from the grain and requires long cuts that greatly affected the Fund Security!
E 'became intolerable for the delay with which, increasingly, are the fringe benefits paid to his colleagues, since the outstanding amounts due up to the due to staff in the service of the specialties of the Traffic Police, the Police Station and Police Post and Communication.
We have repeatedly recognized the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, a commitment on the issues that concern us.
We would like the owner of the interior ministry spending of its weight and prestige more vigorously in the Council of Ministers, especially in relation to - read Tremonti - of those who continue to hold tight the purse strings.
We, however, does not intend to leave no stone unturned and will continue to protect our members the best. Even
to court if necessary. But
need, First, a political turning point. Why Cops
Italians, to advance their family, pay the mortgage payments or bills, they need facts and not to talk.
Proud to be a SAP!
taken from
Commercial With Guy In Pink Car
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Does Cysts That Burst Cause Fatigue
The reasons for the failure to join the demonstration on October 9.
The Provincial Offices of SIULP and SAP Pisa express their regret for the slope taken by the compact union in recent months that has characterized our history leading, we believe each of us to try a bit of pride for the way negotiations were conducted within the decentralized bargaining, matters related to the depletion of staff of the Police Headquarters and in the period in which all appeared that the local political authorities tended to move strictly political issues of public policy with an increase in the workload of police officers at the expense of the availability of police officers for citizenship (see the case of stocks) to show a united front and unitary, we believe, at least with respect to the latter, has produced results.
Unfortunately, what happened and that we feared most, during our informal chat, we have always placed at the center of our attention: do the claims of the police to a thickening of men and equipment could be misused for reasons different, albeit legitimate, but different from our demands and technical specifications.
before the prefect asked men and denounced the intrusion of politics.
the Mayor we claimed our independence from the risk of claims, in our opinion, able to distract the police from his goals.
After these meetings and a few days after the event, however, we learned of the participation of unspecified neighborhood committees, organized citizens, various groups, trade unions outside the State Police, perhaps, even political parties with banners and slogans, Finally, billboards and banners praising the resignation of this and that.
its meeting recently held in the Secretariat of Coisp attended Silp, UGL, and SIULP Coisp, it was not clear who would attend (the committee of the station, traders, taxi drivers, community centers, movements of immigrants, etc. ..) and what kind of signs would have been exposed.
its meeting of Saturday, October 2, once again it was not clear who would attend and what he said or shouted. Not only that, but to someone who asked for clarification on that occasion he was told that it was an event against public order management Pisa "and that if he disagreed he could leave because the other would have done alone. A strange way of interpreting the compact.
At this point, two considerations:
the first of a technical nature. We are the promoters of a public event and we are responsible for its outcome. That said, not yet knowing who is who "flag waving" as he thinks, what will cry and what will you do during the parade, it worries us.
The second consideration, political moves by the same conditions that lead to the risk that an initiative founded ours, of police and police unions can become something different.
Under these conditions we have seen fit to get us out but, mind you, and that is clear, without any polemical or fracture but ready, together with the unions that currently represent, to participate in a spirit of full cooperation any other action we deem appropriate, very likely to cause improvements to colleagues and to the safety of citizens for whom we exist and we are professionally paid and, last but not least, risk free and legal image.
The Provincial Secretary SIULP ; ; The Provincial Secretary SAP
Stefano Caraceni ; ; ; Maurizio Stilli
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Why Are Belly Buttons Sore After A C Section
Images and written word
"I have rarely done photography books, I always have books with pictures, telling stories. I think my photography is a photograph just contaminated, that needs to be enriched, served, experiences accompanied by mental, intellectual, literary, philosophical, too, or that the esitenziali feed. The formal structure has always been my motivation, deacon, other, always echoed a word. "
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Methods To Improve Cellular Respiration
SECURITY complementary and reorganization of careers: the priorities of the School of Legality
contracting, with increases in arrears and arrival in November, our work now focuses on two priorities are absolutely fundamental: the supplementary pension fund and the reorganization of careers.
Two historical battles of the Independent Trade Union of Police that we will continue to pursue and echoed in the latter months of 2010.
Not surprisingly, during the signing of the contract the public sector, have been put on paper some of the commitments that we consider mandatory and urgent.
Over all, the opening of the tables in the supplementary pension fund, an institution is required to allow their colleagues, especially younger ones, to integrate with the supplementary retirement pensions paid by INPDAP basis. The law 335/1995, better known as the Dini reform, introducing the system of contributions (which does not bind the pension benefit to pay, but binds it to the credited contributions to the employee during his entire working life) to replace than retribution (measured by the amount of treatment owned at the time of termination due to seniority and the salary received in the last period of service), provided of course complementary pensions as a form of compensation.
But for our Fund, in fifteen years of governments of left and right, little has been done, beyond the protections accessible - thanks to our efforts - as part of the law 243/2004 (the Maroni reform).
For this, the tables of supplementary pensions must start soon, as promised once again by the Executive. At the same time, we are pushing for the bill to unlock No 783 submitted by Senator Ramponi (PDL) face to extend to the staff of the Police and the Armed Forces, the launch of the contribution-based system provided by the Dini reform until 31 December of the effective start of the supplementary pension. In any case, the colleagues and especially those enrolled in the SAP should be aware that the application remains up for free (we like to emphasize) that the Secretary General presented to unconstitutionality of Law 335/1995, with particular reference to the transition from the pay system that contribution.
The other big priority for SAP and colleagues is the reordering of careers.
We always like to recall that in 2006 our reform project was approved by a branch of Parliament, only to be stopped in the Senate, on the home straight.
The responsibility for that choice, it is known, are certainly not attributable to the Independent Police Trade Union.
Today, a trade union and political landscape changed, our ongoing struggle to ensure that the Government meets its commitment - also confirmed in the signed contract - for the presentation of the draft law. The key points to be pursued are known: the enhancement of the base and the establishment of the single agents Assistant Superintendents, speeding up the overall transition from agent to the Superintendent of qualification.
the same time, it will be necessary for today's Stewards ensure protection of concrete and real to allow, in a manner to locate in the exercise of the delegation, the transition to the role of inspectors. Again, for what concerns the inspectors, the delegation should include the principle of moving to the new role of directors ordinary, as well as the current officials will have access to the role of managers.
Finally, do not forget the need to target the top management is contracted to complete an organic and inequalities without reordering of the project.
All this must be done, when fully implemented, enhancing in a fair and appropriate professional experience and qualifications, starting with the study. In addition, as SAP work that introduction of the principle of decoupling of economic progression from that career, so that with the length of service, regardless of rank or status, the monthly salary for the expansion is so important.
obviously can not neglect the knot of resources: The budget provides for the continuation of last summer structure of the 119 million euro per year for the reform, but the government there has still irrelevant to the 770 million that had been accumulated from previous budget years . Soon have to clarify.
But the battle for the reorganization continues and will continue with ever greater force.
Finally I must of provide some explanation as to the specificity, a unique and historic battle of the Independent Trade Union of Police that finally became reality. On the day of Sept. 29, in fact, has been re-approved in the Senate, with amendments, the bill 1167 B / A, which contained several provisions of interest to us, first of all just the standard that recognizes the specificity of the profession, already approved for another six months ago and which we have plenty of account, claiming the merit of SAP and exclusive - and not others - in this battle. The rules contain specific character, together with other provisions had already received the green light from both Houses of Parliament last March 3 and, therefore, not been the subject of renewed debate in the Senate. This is because the bill that has been so returned to the Chambers with a considered opinion by the President of the Republic, but only to the issue of arbitration in labor, specified therein and on which the head of state has called for greater attention Parliament. It now expects only the scheduling of the House for its debate and approval.
Proud to be a SAP!
contracting, with increases in arrears and arrival in November, our work now focuses on two priorities are absolutely fundamental: the supplementary pension fund and the reorganization of careers.
Two historical battles of the Independent Trade Union of Police that we will continue to pursue and echoed in the latter months of 2010.
Not surprisingly, during the signing of the contract the public sector, have been put on paper some of the commitments that we consider mandatory and urgent.
Over all, the opening of the tables in the supplementary pension fund, an institution is required to allow their colleagues, especially younger ones, to integrate with the supplementary retirement pensions paid by INPDAP basis. The law 335/1995, better known as the Dini reform, introducing the system of contributions (which does not bind the pension benefit to pay, but binds it to the credited contributions to the employee during his entire working life) to replace than retribution (measured by the amount of treatment owned at the time of termination due to seniority and the salary received in the last period of service), provided of course complementary pensions as a form of compensation.
But for our Fund, in fifteen years of governments of left and right, little has been done, beyond the protections accessible - thanks to our efforts - as part of the law 243/2004 (the Maroni reform).
For this, the tables of supplementary pensions must start soon, as promised once again by the Executive. At the same time, we are pushing for the bill to unlock No 783 submitted by Senator Ramponi (PDL) face to extend to the staff of the Police and the Armed Forces, the launch of the contribution-based system provided by the Dini reform until 31 December of the effective start of the supplementary pension. In any case, the colleagues and especially those enrolled in the SAP should be aware that the application remains up for free (we like to emphasize) that the Secretary General presented to unconstitutionality of Law 335/1995, with particular reference to the transition from the pay system that contribution.
The other big priority for SAP and colleagues is the reordering of careers.
We always like to recall that in 2006 our reform project was approved by a branch of Parliament, only to be stopped in the Senate, on the home straight.
The responsibility for that choice, it is known, are certainly not attributable to the Independent Police Trade Union.
Today, a trade union and political landscape changed, our ongoing struggle to ensure that the Government meets its commitment - also confirmed in the signed contract - for the presentation of the draft law. The key points to be pursued are known: the enhancement of the base and the establishment of the single agents Assistant Superintendents, speeding up the overall transition from agent to the Superintendent of qualification.
the same time, it will be necessary for today's Stewards ensure protection of concrete and real to allow, in a manner to locate in the exercise of the delegation, the transition to the role of inspectors. Again, for what concerns the inspectors, the delegation should include the principle of moving to the new role of directors ordinary, as well as the current officials will have access to the role of managers.
Finally, do not forget the need to target the top management is contracted to complete an organic and inequalities without reordering of the project.
All this must be done, when fully implemented, enhancing in a fair and appropriate professional experience and qualifications, starting with the study. In addition, as SAP work that introduction of the principle of decoupling of economic progression from that career, so that with the length of service, regardless of rank or status, the monthly salary for the expansion is so important.
obviously can not neglect the knot of resources: The budget provides for the continuation of last summer structure of the 119 million euro per year for the reform, but the government there has still irrelevant to the 770 million that had been accumulated from previous budget years . Soon have to clarify.
But the battle for the reorganization continues and will continue with ever greater force.
Finally I must of provide some explanation as to the specificity, a unique and historic battle of the Independent Trade Union of Police that finally became reality. On the day of Sept. 29, in fact, has been re-approved in the Senate, with amendments, the bill 1167 B / A, which contained several provisions of interest to us, first of all just the standard that recognizes the specificity of the profession, already approved for another six months ago and which we have plenty of account, claiming the merit of SAP and exclusive - and not others - in this battle. The rules contain specific character, together with other provisions had already received the green light from both Houses of Parliament last March 3 and, therefore, not been the subject of renewed debate in the Senate. This is because the bill that has been so returned to the Chambers with a considered opinion by the President of the Republic, but only to the issue of arbitration in labor, specified therein and on which the head of state has called for greater attention Parliament. It now expects only the scheduling of the House for its debate and approval.
Proud to be a SAP!
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