Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Does Cysts That Burst Cause Fatigue

The reasons for the failure to join the demonstration on October 9.

The Provincial Offices of SIULP and SAP Pisa express their regret for the slope taken by the compact union in recent months that has characterized our history leading, we believe each of us to try a bit of pride for the way negotiations were conducted within the decentralized bargaining, matters related to the depletion of staff of the Police Headquarters and in the period in which all appeared that the local political authorities tended to move strictly political issues of public policy with an increase in the workload of police officers at the expense of the availability of police officers for citizenship (see the case of stocks) to show a united front and unitary, we believe, at least with respect to the latter, has produced results.
Unfortunately, what happened and that we feared most, during our informal chat, we have always placed at the center of our attention: do the claims of the police to a thickening of men and equipment could be misused for reasons different, albeit legitimate, but different from our demands and technical specifications.
before the prefect asked men and denounced the intrusion of politics.
the Mayor we claimed our independence from the risk of claims, in our opinion, able to distract the police from his goals.
After these meetings and a few days after the event, however, we learned of the participation of unspecified neighborhood committees, organized citizens, various groups, trade unions outside the State Police, perhaps, even political parties with banners and slogans, Finally, billboards and banners praising the resignation of this and that.
its meeting recently held in the Secretariat of Coisp attended Silp, UGL, and SIULP Coisp, it was not clear who would attend (the committee of the station, traders, taxi drivers, community centers, movements of immigrants, etc. ..) and what kind of signs would have been exposed.
its meeting of Saturday, October 2, once again it was not clear who would attend and what he said or shouted. Not only that, but to someone who asked for clarification on that occasion he was told that it was an event against public order management Pisa "and that if he disagreed he could leave because the other would have done alone. A strange way of interpreting the compact.
At this point, two considerations:
the first of a technical nature. We are the promoters of a public event and we are responsible for its outcome. That said, not yet knowing who is who "flag waving" as he thinks, what will cry and what will you do during the parade, it worries us.
The second consideration, political moves by the same conditions that lead to the risk that an initiative founded ours, of police and police unions can become something different.

Under these conditions we have seen fit to get us out but, mind you, and that is clear, without any polemical or fracture but ready, together with the unions that currently represent, to participate in a spirit of full cooperation any other action we deem appropriate, very likely to cause improvements to colleagues and to the safety of citizens for whom we exist and we are professionally paid and, last but not least, risk free and legal image.

The Provincial Secretary SIULP ; ; The Provincial Secretary SAP

Stefano Caraceni ; ; ; Maurizio Stilli


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