Sunday, March 13, 2011

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From 1861 to date ... Guglielmo Marconi

all started from a bell

Wireless telegraphy took actually boot from a bell: he felt the sound on the ground floor of a villa - Villa Grifone in Pontecchio, near Bologna - as soon as you press a key in electrical engineering laboratory installed in the attic. It is obvious that key and bell were not linked.
In the laboratory, however, was a small way station and the bell was connected to a receiver system. The man that operated the bell and had designed the whole system was Guglielmo Marconi. Every sound of the bell confirmed that the path he embarked on after reading a publication of the German physicist Heinrich Hertz, was correct. Hertz showed how electricity and magnetic expand wave in space. A few months after the experiment of the bell, 8 December 1895, Marconi succeeded in transmitting a signal pick it Morse and behind the hill in front of the Villa Grifone. She was born wireless telegraphy. Marconi set out to find practical applications. The Italian Minister of Posts and Marconi's invention called it madness he went to England, his mother's native country, where he persuaded the British Postmaster General.
In 1899 Marconi transmitted across the English Channel.
The issuer which exceeded Guglielmo Marconi was implanted in the Atlantic Poldhu, Cornwall. The antenna was a spider web stretched between two poles 50 m other.
The December 12, 1901 Guglielmo Marconi made the first transmission Radiotelegraphy across the Atlantic. Was transmitted first signal of the Morse letter S (three short pulses). The company did not clamor only for the distance, but because it proved that radio waves followed the curvature of the earth, something which many scientists doubted God.

(Source book of mine: The great events of the twentieth century-selected by Reader's Digest)


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