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magic and mysteries of Rome followed

Today we take a fascinating journey through the magic and mysteries of the Eternal City.
Good reading

Walking with Virgil (part I)

The gentle \u0026lt;savio everything seppe>

Author encyclopedic \u0026lt;tanto deep in the science of how pleasant ingegno>>. So they celebrated Macrobius (1) in V century. For Dante, eight centuries later, all that is noble \u0026lt;savio seppe>>, the \u0026lt;\u0026lt;mar all senno>>. Supreme Master of all knowledge, Virgil knows in the Middle Ages an extraordinary luck. To the point of increasing the glory already gained in the fastest time of the Rome of Augustus. The author of ' Aeneid, among the writers of antiquity, is arguably the most sena bed. And the entire medieval society devotes to a particular kind of worship, which germinate the legend of his unmatched knowledge and more human.

When Dante chose him to lead in the first part of his wonderful journey, Virgil is still the wise poet who had sung the origins of the eternal city and celebrating these ' Enea that Providence had chosen to father's empire. Soon, however, reversing the sign of the Middle Ages quite frequent in the atmosphere fantastic, miraculous powers are attributed to the poet who transformed it into a necromancer.
And the figure of the poet versed in astrology, mathematics, medicine, created the myth of Virgil magician. Moreover, any science that then exceeded the terms of the most common culture was considered magic. And magicians were considered * Gerbert a , a Roger Bacon (2) or Albertus Magnus *.

If the reputation of omniscience that surrounded the poet gave rise to views of magic, even the light of his doctrine in the ancient writers predisposed to this belief. The Aeneid VI hand, describing the descent of Aeneas in the underworld, contributes to credit even more \u0026lt;voce> a magician who can benefit from Virgil to his liking forces Averno.

Extraordinarily so long is the list of the wonders that are attributed to the poet in the Middle Ages: Many legends flourish in Naples, the city where the popular tradition, in agreement with the literary, places the tomb of Virgil. Among the miracles Neapolitan author of the Aeneid can remember: a bronze horse that has the ability to maintain the horses in the flesh from the sap knot, a door that Ferrea, Virgil behind which encloses all the snakes, by copious those parts, a slaughterhouse where the meat is kept fresh for six weeks, a bronze warrior with drawn bow, which curbs the eruptions of Vesuvius, and again, the same bones of Virgil kept in the Castel dell 'Ovo that when exposed to air, manage to disturb the air, disrupt the sea and cause a sudden storm.

But if Naples is presented as a large outbreak of legends Virgil, the poet obviously exerts its magic even in Rome, the city celebrated immortal Aeneid.
The web of wonders strobe operated by Virgil magician spreads throughout Urbe: woven a web of myths, legends and fascinating stories passed down from the collective memory.

(1) Ambrose Theodosius Macrobius was a philosopher, writer and official Roman . Scholar also astronomy .
(2) Roger Bacon known by the Latin name of Doctor Mirabilis was a philosopher, scientist , theologian and alchemist English .
* Regarding Gerbert and Albert the Great, not having reliable sources, we have omitted information .

(source for the story, the book that I own: Rome magical and mysterious - Newton Compton Editori)
(Source of notes: Wikipedia )


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