Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Kates Playgraund Gallery
Renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees of companies in the tertiary distribution servizi.Il July 17 and ended negotiations for the renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement expired December 31, 2006. The new National Collective Bargaining Agreement is valid until December 31, 2010. The talks, which lasted over eighteen months, had an ending that is quite unusual for our industry, since it was signed by organizations Fisascat - Uiltucs and CISL - UIL, excluding thus the Filcams - CGIL and affected both the economic and regulatory issues that the contract rights of trade unions and the labor market. THE ECONOMIC Salary increases The solution for the closure of the negotiations was to provide economic effects lasted for four years with an increase in gross average (fourth) level of 150 € until 31 December 2010.La effect of the increase - not absorbed - unless an express provision of an advance on future contractual increases, is set for the month of February 2008 . The starting dates and amounts of the increase, the fourth level, are as follows: - 55 € from 1 February '08-21 € from 1 December '08-34 € from September 1 '09-20 € 1 March '10-20 € from September 1 '10. There are outstanding arrears amounting to 252.24 € (always calculated on the basis of the level IV) to be disbursed in two tranches of € 126.12 payable with the salary of the month July and with the salary for the month of November 2008. Arrears for an amount less than or equal to the amount of the first tranche, the delivery will be in a lump sum in July 2008.Hanno right back to the employees under the date of signing of the rinnovo.L 'amount of 252 , € 24 was calculated as follows: - € 42.04 represented the difference between the amount of the tranche of increase (55.00) in February 2008 and the value of CVI (12.96) multiplied by the period of 2008 prior to the subscription date (February-June + 14 months = ^ 6 months). Therefore, the arrears will be responsible for full only to those workers who have not been unilaterally determined the distribution paid during the month of March, starting from € 55 to pay arrears for the month of aprile.Gli amounts do not serve any purpose with the exception of calculating monthly payments and additional severance pay. Allowance feature for boards to a remuneration for workers classified as key personnel has increased, from July 2008 to 70.00 € monthly gross absorbable amounts to 50% by having a similar function. INSTITUTES OF CONTRACT categories have been changed contribution rates due to the almost according to the measurements and intervals specified below: Almost, from 1 / 01/09 the one-off contribution payable - payable by Employers - enrollment for each worker in writing increased by € 38.00, the same date, the annual contribution payable by employers for each worker in writing increased by 38 € and the annual contribution workers increased by 8.00 €. EAST: the date of signing of the apprentices CCNL is extended to the case of health care. SOURCE: from the date of signing of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement is extended to apprentices with additional social security contributions reduced: in fact, throughout the period of apprenticeship, the contribution payable by the employer will be equal to 1, 05%, including 0.05% as a membership fee, remuneration useful for the calculation of severance pay. And trade union rights 'was finally passed the experimental phase of the discipline of RSU.In trade unions' rights has been provided in the second level of the bargaining power to enter into agreements for the establishment of a number of hours of leave hours for use of union leaders . LABOUR MARKET Fixed-term contracts and administration time determinatoIn on futures contracts and administration of fixed-term employment, it was intended not to use the probationary period for reinstatement after a period for the same job. Apprenticeship E 'was pursued the choice of increasing retention of apprentices increasing 80% the same to allow for confirmation of new hires with this institution. At the same time, have been extended to the treatment provided for skilled workers in the field of integrative health insurance and supplementary pensions, the latter with a percentage of cost 1, 05%, compared with 1, 55% provided for skilled workers. At the same time, provision was made for new entrants to the gradual use of paid leave, with the exception of those arising from the former holiday that will continue to be enjoyed, as 50% for the second half of the period to reach 100% at the end stesso.In apprenticeship training was immediately seized the opportunity offered by DL 112/08 to standardize the training programs as required by the Protocol Isfol 2002. Part Time The minimum hours worked per week was increased to 18 hours for new hires or new steps to part time for companies with more than thirty employees, deferring to the increase in 12 months time for companies whose organizational structure - for the significant presence of part-time to 16 hours - to allow an immediate transition to the new system time. In any case, different arrangements will be permitted. WORKING HOURS important changes have been agreed under the Negotiable than entrusted to collective bargaining by the Legislative Decree 66/03, on-overtime: the roof fell to 250 hours and the reference period for calculating the average maximum of 48 hours per week has increased to 6 months with possibility of reaching 12 months through collective bargaining - 11 hours sleep: pending the outcome of the second level of bargaining, the national contract has identified some important situations where it is allowed - now - the requirement for 11 hours a day of rest between the other continued to work. It is noted however that the total of 11 hours must still be viewed comfortably within 24 hours and that in the cases of exception, however, is guaranteed a minimum rest continued for 9 hours - working on Sundays: represents the most debated aspect of this renewal, it is a norm of surrogate function at the second level of bargaining, which has been identified as the level because of the signing of agreements on the subject. It provides a contract that provides coverage for a number of garrison Sunday Sunday Sunday at least equal to the Bersani law provided more than 30%, in addition, they were identified at the regional level. This benefit is offset, in the absence of other provisions relating to salaries, and improvements except those already included in bargaining with a single percentage, comprehensive and non-cumulative, increase of 30% on the portion of the normal hourly wage. Have provided grounds for exclusion from this provision. This provision governs the conduct of Sunday work done under the normal working hours and overtime, which was, however, amended Article. 132, Negotiable. CONTRACTS AND outsource procurement law has been completed with the demand forecast of DURC to contractors, and has been regulated anew the matter of the outsourcing of sales activities with the provision of a system of information and discussion. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES He spoke on matters of serious diseases to behave so you can enjoy a reasonable period for healing clinic, on leave for individual training, the right to study on the promotion of initiatives for the encouragement of foreign workers and the provision of vouchers and vouchers vacanza.Infine, were attributed to bilateral treaties and instruments welfare of the new contract and important functions, together with a project to ensure a better and better management and operation. Then we reserve to address any further details on the tables are below the salary increases and arrears and enclose the text of the renewal. Salary increases
Levels Feb 8 December to 8 September-09 Mar-10 Sep 10 total
SQUARE 95.49 36.46 59.03 34.72 34.72 260.42 86.01 32.84 53.17 31.28
II 31.28 234.58 74.40 28 , 41 45.99 27.06 27.06 202.92 63.59 24.28 39.31 23.13
173.44 23.13 55.00 21.00 34.00 20.00 IV 20 00 150.00 49.69 18.97 30.72 18.07
18.07 135.52 44.61 17.03 27.58 16.22 VI 16.22 38.19 14 121.66
VII , 58 23.61 13.89 13.89 104.16
Total 51.92 19.82 32.10 18.88 18.88 43.59 141.60
II category 15 03 26.95 15.85 15.85 117.27
Levels arrears
Jul-08 Nov-08 TOTAL integration IVC
SQUARE 230.06 230.06 460.12 205.72 205.72 411.44 76.69
II 175.93 175.93 68.57 351.86 58.64
III 148.18 148.18 296.36 126.12 126.12 252.24 IV
49.39 42.04 112.51 112.50 225.01
37.50 99.46 99.45 198 91 33.15 165.99 27.66 82.99 83.00 VII
118.02 118.01 236.03 39.34 96.63 96.62 193
category II , 25 32.21
parameter level base pay by other el 01/02/2008. TOTAL contingency + EDR Monthly
PAINTINGS 250.00 180.76 540.37 1,434.83 2,155.96 225.20 1,292.50 537.52 1,830.02
II 194.80 532.54 1,118.00 1,650.54
III 166, 50 955.59 527.90 144.00 826.46 524.22 IV
1483.49 1350.68 1268.61 521.94 746.67 130.10 V
VI 116.80 670.36 519.76 1190 , 12
VII 100.00 573.92 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1096.59
I 780.15 530.04 654.98 526.11 1,181.09 1,310.19
parameter level is charged basedal 12/01/2008 other el. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,471.29 250.76 540.37 2,262.42 225.20 1,325.34 537.52 1,862.86
II 194.80 532.54 1,146.41 1,678.95
III 166.50 979.87 527.90 144.00 847.46 524.22 IV
1507.77 1371.68 1287.58 521.94 765.64 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 687.39 , 76
VII 1207.15 100.00 588.50 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1111.17
nb increase the compensation function of the paintings runs from July 2008
I 799.97 530.04 670.01 526.11 1,196.12 1,330.01
tab. d - MINIMUM Contract by September 2009
parameter level is charged basedal other el 01/09/2009. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,530.32 250.76 540.37 2,321.45 225.20 1,378.51 537.52 1,916.03
II 194.80 532.54 1,192.40 1,724.94
III 1019.18 166.50 527.90 144.00 881.46 524.22 IV
1547.08 1405.68 1318.30 521.94 796.36 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 714.97 , 76
VII 1234.73 100.00 612.11 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1134.78
I 832.07 530.04 696.96 526.11 1,362.11
II 1223.07
tab. and - minimum wage in March 2010
parameter level is charged basedal other el 1-03-10. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,565.04 250.76 540.37 2,356.17 225.20 1,409.79 537.52 1,947.31
II 194.80 532.54 1,219.46 1,752.00
III 1042.31 166.50 527.90 144.00 901.46 524.22 IV
1570.21 1425.68 1336.37 521.94 814.43 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 731.19 , 76
VII 1250.95 100.00 626.00 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1148.67
I 850.95 530.04 712.81 526.11 1,380.99
II 1238.92
parameter level is charged basedal other el 1-03-10. Contingency + EDR monthly
TOTAL SQUARE 250.00 1,599.76 250.76 540.37 2,390.89 225.20 1,441.07 537.52 1,978.59
II 194.80 532.54 1,246.52 1,779.06
III 1065.44 166.50 527.90 144.00 921.46 524.22 IV
1593.34 1445.68 1354.44 521.94 832.50 130.10 V
VI 519 116.80 747.41 , 76
VII 1267.17 100.00 639.89 517.51 \u200b\u200b5.16 1162.56
1399.87 869.83 530.04 II 728.66 526.11 1,254.77
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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Monday, June 2, 2008 19:34
The tax relief passed by the government is presented as a remedy to the problem of low wages, but the accounts are clear: the net pay of one hour special is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour. And the cost to the company _ less proportionately. Why are not required to be paid at least the same way?
Aldo Amoretti 's time to many interventions with regard to overtime. In many places a measure of tax relief is sought so that the poor Cipputi willing to work beyond normal is carrying a little extra pennies in your paycheck each month. For some this would be the brilliant solution to the problem of low wages. The responses of those who are not, especially from the unions, are embarrassed.
E 'is not surprising that throws out a topic that I find important and that is the main reason that companies seek such a solution: the overtime paid less and costs less than ordinary. So for businesses, there is a double cost: it is a more flexibility at lower cost. More so beautiful!
Many are surprised and skeptical about this statement because it is widely believed otherwise. Then we did a little 'accounts on a situation-type. We took the example of the trade agreement, assuming the case of the fourth level, that is a central figure as the man-in sales.
accounts of ordinary work they do by identifying the annual salary as follows:
- pay glabellar
9257.52 - 6290.64
contingency allowance - 24.84
EDR - holidays not taken (two) 99.83
- thirteenth month
1297.75 - 1297.75 fourteenth month
- indemnities
1353.21 - revaluation of TFR (average 3 years)
128.06 - 120.00
integrative health fund - fund complementary pension
283.16 TOTAL ANNUAL SALARY 20152.76
Divided 1639 hours worked in '
On this amount the company pays social security contributions and INPS Inail for an amount of € 3.81. So a
ordinary hourly labor costs amounted to € 16.15
The worker, without assuming a single-income family expenses, will pay an amount of € 1.72 and the average personal income tax withheld social security will suffer an average of € 1.14 and then remain in the pocket
NET ordinary € 9.48 per hour.
may not be very accurate calculation of severance pay perch_ it is done at the end of their careers on the basis of parameters subject to change.
As we calculated the actual hours worked?
theoretical equal to 2088, less than average not worked so divided:
- 173
holidays - holidays
72 - reduced time and ex holidays
104 - 12 union assemblies and permits
- disease, accidents, maternity (6.5% ) 73
- training, allowed seven 626
In regard to the annual salary we were cautious because we did not consider that there is the annual premium farms where bargaining is decentralized or other minor items such as the canteen.
The bill on overtime is much simpler.
The three entries in the monthly salary:
- pay glabellar
771.46 - 542.22 indennit_ contingency
2.07 Total monthly salary
1297.75 This figure is to subdivide the divider is supplied, 168
7.72 one gets the amount on which the surcharge is applied for overtime by 15% (until the 48th hour because it is over 20%). It shows that
on this company pay costs equal to 2.75. So
hourly cost of overtime amounted to € 11.64.
The employee in turn will pay INPS 9.49% at 1.00 € and the personal income tax marginal rate of 27% to € 2.13 and an additional of 0.15, for a total Euro 3.28. Then remain in the pocket
NET € 5.60 per extra hour.
The net pay of one hour special (€ 5.60) is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour (€ 9.48).
So even over the past years, the protest of the companies that complained about an excess of social security contributions on overtime had no basis, because of its overall cost was still lower than normal. Their request was granted, however, and social insurance contributions have been harmonized.
Now they show their sensitivity to the issue of net pay that would still be lower even if we drop the charges. It seems reasonable to pose the question to pay for overtime work as much as the ordinary work. For workers would pay the extraordinary progress the equivalent of the average and this would be a saving to the State in the light of the proposals that are now in circulation.
Why the unions do not raise the issue? Perch_ fear that it would remove any obstacle to availability of workers to work overtime. However, I have never seen situations where you do overtime if there is not the need and convenience for the enterprise. If the cost increases the cost would be reduced.
difference may be the speech to civil servants for which existed in the past is the practice of giving workers shares outstanding that were not actually worked as a mask for salary increases. But I feel that this system has been exceeded in large part by the administration.
However it seems a good clarification of the accounts.
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For more than a week, the Company's Resistance Works Various Federal Capital (member of the FORA) is in conflict with the restaurant "La Pergola", counting three members of the organization among employees.
From a surprise strike over the weekend, the owner, Aldo Marasco, partially paid wages due but has proceeded with the dismissal of eight workers during the week, which obliges us to continue indefinitely with our measures up to issue the reinstatement of workers, END OF PRESSURE AT WORK and the regularization of all employees.
will be a tough fight and that is why we ask for the solidarity of all the comrades IWA.
This employer is using the intimidation of workers, especially for people paying to torture them and continued pressure on them.
add a message of protest to Aldo Marasco you can send via fax, e-mail or postal mail. You do not have to do is put the header at the top of your organization and change the name of it in the bottom.
Fax: 005411-4632-1060 (Ask for fax tone)
E-mail: restolapergola@fibertel.com.arPosta ordinary: Aldo Marasco Avenida Avellaneda 1899, barrio de Flores, Capital Federal, Argentina.
Thank you very much for solidarity
For Sociedad Oficios Varios de Resistencia de Capital Federal (Society of Resistance of Various Federal Capital Works) attached to the FORA
Facundo Macias, Treasurer
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008 21:20
I rise late, with good reason, on the alert drug-SATA Melfi Fiat launched by an article in the newspaper "Il Manifesto" last month, considering what happened seriously, and even worse is the silence that fell on each other after the lukewarm denial of Fiom. An anonymous
CEO confessed Fiom, told a reporter that the SATA authoritative Manifesto "crazy cocaine," that " workers are made during the breaks "and that" if the rods are directly on the UTE.
the question "what is the percentage of cocaine? The answer was "one in two."
that the journalist has tried to scupper is a foregone conclusion, that the newspaper has been mistaken is also demonstrated by the abrupt termination of the investigation, which announced the other episodes and that the respondent is an avid consumer who knows the labyrinth of shady environment of course, but what is not clear, or it is too, it is because the journalist Loris Campetti (not new employee and to monitor the activities of trade unions) did not investigate before publishing, and especially because he has not asked the organization to which the Director has declared to belong?
But one wonders why this particular CEO felt the need to "vent" and to inflate this figure so far-fetched? How curious to know who has put together, the two in touch?
Who agrees that the workers at Melfi supertaken pass for cocaine?
Our workers say that the phenomenon exists but is in the proportions in society if not lower rates and that the vast majority of consumers of soft drugs and drug use from time to time and everyone knows the reality of working Melfi knows that this is true.
who takes drugs, but denies that it exaggerates and CEO boasts dramatically. Why?
says that half of the workers, who have problems to get to the end of the month, does not smoke joints, but consumes the drug of the rich, that if a family is not rich is not enough for the entire salary and is not rich in its would make sure the worker.
In this episode, which is undervalued, our union has dedicated a meeting and was convinced that what happened has a direction and a purpose, against the workers.
Fiat Melfi elected in his own laboratory, where experiments with the destruction of rights gained and subtle forms of intensification exploitation, aiming to prevent further protests against a sensational production unbearable and groped to defeat the union and the entire Italian working class.
In the early years has tried to pass off as lazy workers recently as terrorists (by the Red Brigades and the investigation on the novel?) And now even as a bunch of drug addicts.
Fiat wants to discredit the work and make him lose the public support that is always necessary and that during the struggle of 21 days was essential and therefore alternative Auditors considers that there has been deafening silence on this false alarm cocaine is very worrying.
were necessary correct responses and real discussions.
Who has the majority of MSW and signed separate agreements such as the CISL and UIL, decided to ignore this serious happened, certainly not to displease a management company that deals Disciplinary measures even if a munches a sandwich while working in secret but would allow the UTE will be transformed into Fumero.
Fiom did well to deny, but wrong not to find the manager, who spoke on behalf of third parties, and not kicked.
Finally, the daily "Il Manifesto" should apologize to the metalworkers Melfi.
Melfi 04. 06. 2008 Vitus Fernando ROSA
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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The tax relief passed by the government is presented as a remedy to the problem of low wages, but the accounts are clear: the net pay of one hour special is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour. And the cost to the company _ less proportionately. Why are not required to be paid at least the same way?
Aldo Amoretti 's time to many speeches about overtime. In many places a measure of tax relief is sought so that the poor Cipputi willing to work beyond normal is carrying a little extra pennies in your paycheck each month. For some this would be the brilliant solution to the problem of low wages. The responses of those who are not, especially from the unions, are embarrassed.
E 'is not surprising that throws out a topic that I find important and that is the main reason that companies seek such a solution: the overtime paid less and costs less than ordinary. So for businesses, there is a double cost: it is a more flexibility at lower cost. Better looking than that! Many
remain astonished and skeptical at this claim because it is widely believed otherwise. Then we did a little 'accounts on a situation-type. We took the example of the trade agreement, assuming the case of the fourth level, that is a central figure as the man-in sales.
accounts of ordinary work they do by identifying the annual salary as follows:
- pay glabellar
9257.52 - 6290.64
contingency allowance - 24.84
EDR - holidays not taken (two) 99.83
- thirteenth month
1297.75 - 1297.75
fourteenth month - indemnities 1353.21
- Revaluation of TFR (average 3 years)
128.06 - 120.00
integrative health fund - fund complementary pension
283.16 TOTAL ANNUAL SALARY 20152.76
Divided 1639 hours worked in the
On this amount the company pays social security contributions and INPS Inail for an amount of € 3.81. So a
ordinary hourly labor costs amounted to € 16.15
The worker, without assuming a single-income family expenses, will pay an amount of € 1.72 and the average personal income tax withheld social security will suffer an average of € 1.14 , and then remain in the pocket
NET € 9.48 per ordinary hours.
may not be very accurate calculation of severance pay perch_ it is done at the end of their careers on the basis of parameters subject to change.
As we calculated the actual hours worked?
theoretical equal to 2088, less than average not worked so divided:
- 173
holidays - holidays
72 - reduced time and ex holidays
104 - 12 union assemblies and permits
- disease, accidents, maternity (6.5% ) 73
- training, allowed seven 626
In regard to the annual salary we were cautious because we did not consider that the annual premium in companies where there is decentralized bargaining or other minor items such as the canteen.
The bill on overtime is much simpler.
The three entries in the monthly salary:
- pay glabellar
771.46 - 542.22 indennit_ contingency
2.07 Total monthly salary
1297.75 This figure is to subdivide the divider is supplied, 168
7.72 one gets the amount on which the surcharge is applied for overtime by 15% (until the 48th hour because it is over 20%). It shows that
on this company pays the costs equal to 2.75. So
hourly cost of overtime amounted to € 11.64.
The employee in turn will pay INPS 9.49% at 1.00 € and the personal income tax marginal rate of 27% to € 2.13 and an additional of 0.15, for a total Euro 3.28. Then remain in the pocket
NET € 5.60 per extra hour.
The net pay of one hour special (€ 5.60) is exactly 60% of that of normal working hour (€ 9.48).
So even over the past years, the protest of the companies that complained about an excess of social security contributions on overtime had no basis, because of its total cost that was still lower than normal. Their request was granted, however, and social insurance contributions have been harmonized.
Now they show their sensitivity to the issue of net pay that would still be lower even if we drop the charges. It seems reasonable to pose the question to pay for overtime work as much as the ordinary work. For workers would pay the extraordinary progress the equivalent of the average and this would be a saving to the State in the light of the proposals that are now in circulation.
Why the unions do not raise the issue? Perch_ fear that it would remove any obstacle to the availability of workers to work overtime. However, I have never seen situations where you do overtime if there is not the need and convenience for the enterprise. If the cost increases the cost would be reduced.
difference may be the speech to civil servants for which existed in the past is the practice of giving workers shares outstanding that were not actually worked as a mask for salary increases. But I feel that this system has been exceeded in large part by the administration.
However it seems a good clarification of the accounts.
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E 'arrived on time, the first burst of action "save-Italy" of the Berlusconi government. Symbolically met in Naples, the government has produced draft laws and decrees on some of the issues that were at the center of the campaign.
have dealt with the taxation of overtime, ICI, mortgage banking, security and more.
The taxation of overtime is central to the government's strategy on industrial relations and how to effectively synthesizes a columnist of Il Sole - 24 Ore: "If you had to be the way to solve the problem of low wages, is likely to have comparable efficacy to that of aspirin to cure cancer. " The defense of wages has nothing to do. This is a strong measure of support to companies which, for its consequences, will impact on the organization and the employment relationship.
We see in detail the measure: the extraordinary (and productivity bonuses) will henceforth be taxed at a rate of 10% (instead of the current that is progressive and therefore affect more on the time of the extraordinary that on that of ordinary work and in any case is larger, certainly more than 30%). The measure will also cover only workers with an annual gross income not exceeding € 30,000 (and up to 8,000 euro), excluding civil servants and will last, experiment, of six months.
In essence, the hypothetical increase in salary is: tied exclusively to the variable part of salary (non-business or increase productivity), limited to some of the workers, the largest medium-high wages (those from 27,500 to € 30,000 per year).
This measure is pro-cyclical (ie only works when the economy is good and not when it is weak), favors the per capita productivity, but has no effect on that path. In "obsolete" Marxist terms: the increase of working time (because of this they are) give rise to increased capital gains but not absolute than relative.
's interest, however, comes from Confindustria done - little attention - that one hour of overtime costs the company much less than an hour of normal work, as well as the worker receives less. E 'has been calculated that if, for example, a worker's level IV, Trade, the cost to the company's normal working hour is € 16.15 for an hour while the overtime only of € 11.64. For the employee net pay of regular work hour is € 9.48, while that of € 5.60 an hour overtime. The company then save (increasing overtime) is 28% for each hour of work, while the employee receives 41% less than the normal hourly rate.
If, therefore, is facilitated the use of overtime (tax exempt his salary), he understands what has been done to the beautiful gift Marcegaglia and his cronies.
Last and not least important implications of the measure are, of course: the increased flexibility of work, the disincentives to job creation, wage growth in the importance of the variable than fixed.
If the first two points are self explanatory, the third is good to pause in order to illustrate some implications. It 'clear that the voices of the wage variable (precisely overtime and productivity bonuses) are subject to bargaining at the enterprise level, both in terms of management (the first) that the entity (the second). We therefore faced with a powerful tool to empty the contents of the first level of bargaining (national categorical) in favor of the second-level (local business), which is just what you are asking in a loud voice the industry for some time, with ' support of political forces and the substantial placet of the confederal unions, concerned now only a monopoly of representation.
We come now to the repeal of the ICI, formerly Berlusconi's battle cry.
Two considerations arise here
- the first is that the measure does not affect the most disadvantaged strata of the population, struggling with other problems (usury rents from the desperate search of a home) and anyway even excluding second homes, villas and luxury homes is based on old land registration, which underestimate the category of housing and who often do not take into account the conversion of an old shack in a luxury apartment, or that of a house in a villa
- the second is that the estimated € 2.2 billion needed to finance this measure (as well as € 400 million provided as an expense for the taxation of overtime), to compensate the municipalities of private ' ICI entry will be drained from the public administration reform. How? Since we know that the language of government reform means cutting, or the loss of services or blocking future contract renewals for civil servants.
short, a good mirror for larks behind which lies a trap.
Now, then, the last thought of Tremonti Genius: the agreement with the banks to renegotiate loans with floating rates and their conversion to fixed rate, locking them in 2006.
E 'known that variable-rate mortgages have enjoyed great success in the past, have been contracted by 3.2 million households over a total of 3.5 million contractors (91%). It 'also known that the performance of the economy and inflation over the past brought the monthly rate of reimbursement to levels unaffordable for many families. Under the agreement, it is true, the renegotiation of fixed-rate bringing the level of the rate as in 2006, but also provides the theoretical difference between the rate (determined by interest rate increases for inflation) and that should be blocked in 2006 to be another debt that the contractor will pay ( more installments, with an appropriate rate of interest payable) to the extinction of the loan. In short, the banks do not lose a euro, while the debt will ensure a breather, but at the cost of continuing to pay for a lot longer than expected. And to say that Tremonti
election campaign railed against the excessive power of banks and financial institutions and now dispenses favors to friends bankers ...
What remains to be said? Opposition "responsible and construction "of the Democratic Party very much. No, because if they had won the election would do something like that. trade unions state that we have their consent and in fact it is in having a" responsible trade "( a barter or infamous) from the monopoly of representation (which cuts out the annoying syndicalism) and any government and Confindustria bitter pill to swallow for the workers decide.
And bitter pills seem to want to swallow farcene many others: the militarization of the territory the further intensification of repressive measures, the construction of nuclear power plants and the more you have, and so forth.
The only way out of this state of affairs is to resume the struggle and continue to mobilize on clear and unambiguous. Ours are:
- For cancellation of the July 23, 2007
- Against the dismantling of national bargaining
- For the general increase of wages and pensions
- For environmental protection and basic goods and services (health, education and culture, housing, telecommunications, transport, energy, water, wholesome foods) ensure that they are accessible to all
- For the elimination of casual
- For safety at work entrusted to the direct control and exclusive of workers
- To respect the dignity of migrant workers and their total equal to the Italian
- For the removal of military expenditure, the return of Italian troops abroad, the closing of bases
- Against the interference and clerical obscurantism and the defense of civil liberties
Monday, March 31, 2008
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government of war, theft and taxes
It's over the term of the left-center two-year after five years spent in the purgatory (for the rich at the expense of local authorities and their co-workers and their unions in the state). Back
fashion fascination with anything quite as obscene and fascism of Berlusconi with his fake populism and his staff that plagued us heavily while trying to eat the carrot.
In fact nothing has changed. Right and left are the institutional holders of the same economic policy linked to the strong powers, embodied by enriching the powerful and their servants and affecting the interests of the working classes and those who did not work.
privatization, unemployment and insecurity, illegal hiring and employment agencies, the war economy, our wage theft, robbery clearance, increase the retirement age, cost of living in the wild are all gifts, the first government-d'alema-loved heroes. The same policy that the Berlusconi government has also continued and improved. The same policy that has taken brave.
tells us that the center-left did not want the most precarious that it has hired a few trusted indefinitely while the other, without a real policy of occupation, could no longer have even a shred of precarious employment. However
with boundless arrogance is a huge prospect operation of community service mandatory for girls and boys.
Labour almost free of the huge tent connected to the power centers of the left (the ones disguised as humanitarian, cultural, social, etc.. Inexhaustible source of revenue for our "buddies")
So nothing has changed also to judge the merciful and mighty smoky program that has been proposed to the voters.
As we said on the phone a worker in Melfi: the same face of power. Just that right there put him in the ass while the left again after letting us put in the ass also claims that smile.
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statistics on accidents at work is a ritual. INAIL and other institutions of national prevention "make available statistics that serve amorphous up to write an article, in the third or fourth page. Some
Newspaper reports. All confirm that the year before maybe there were more accidents and that the trend is downward. The allegations, if you go to look for articles in the press last year, are always the same.
is always the same spiel. there are data, but you can not understand the purpose of INAIL and other institutions every year without fail if the figures confirm the great tragedy of occupational accidents. What is being discussed is hot air and you come to regard as central to the responsibilities of workers.
This responsibility is enshrined in Law 626 on a personal basis. In reality, the workers happy and they must always comply with the requirements of the master. Safety and prevention are two expensive components. Less apply unless the employee costs that will never be able to challenge and if we get a dismissal is ready, maybe not immediately but the next crisis of production.
off fires that burn with the death of workers, they are not sorry, but only need statistics to put pressure on an institution dedicated to the prevention of accidents at work by standing to bring within the security in total labor cost . Growing only additional bureaucratic hierarchies.
the capitalist economy can hardly meet the security requirements.
compression of wages and salaries does not leave much to implement prevention plans.
This figure does not draw down or arising from the improvements found 626. years that are repeats the same liturgy. I'd like to know how many employers take into proper consideration the needs of accident prevention.
Every single employee is blackmailed by the owner and security is most likely an option that ends up being the responsibility of those deaths.
are dead. Is monetized loss of life or disability. INAIL all papers in order, after four workers per day is a statistically acceptable, as the world's countries and places where perhaps there are in abundance.
In Italy all I am aware that this data is in default, that the deaths and accidents at work reached the highest figures.
common idea is that workers with lower cost the better. Very often the statistics do not include the black, which as we know it grew and invests large groups of workers who work without basic safety requirements.
fact, over 25% of gross domestic product is produced with irregular work, black and submerged.
, security costs and impact on labor costs in our hierarchical society divided into classes and castes is crucial to ensure the current development.
In recent years many laws have been enacted that directly attacked the workers' income.
Accident prevention becomes a component of the implementation of which should have no additional costs.
The law of profit the most ferocious compresses and provides more gain.
the employee does not just have to let our guard down and risk the crash. Mica
all jobs are like that, some are even worse.
In Italy there are almost two million illegal immigrants, there is the scourge of illegal employment of child labor, which is on the rise recently. "To be less profitable because the minister of Education has made available to young people and workers who work virtually for free, indeed, perhaps to make a good reform must give the possibility for owners to be paid for training. " The insecurity is growing, a spot of ' oil. The incidence of accidents is much higher among temporary workers.
We know that in recent years the so-called Treu and Biagi law introduced new regulations that come from their illegal work.
Many contracts are temporary in nature and inexperience played a central role on the causes of accidents.
We are responsible safety and there have been many training courses on work-related accidents, many are held just the unions where the trainers are well aware that out of there relations with the employers do not reflect the law.
The strength of workers gains weight if there is solidarity. When he dies a servant of the state are crying to the news for days. The other die only at work! Every day, four workers die and many more injured, but their death is passed regardless of the fact that they were working.
the morning no worker dies or becomes unable to think, why work should not count their death.
We know and we know that workers have fewer guarantees of a few years ago.
Who employs reiterates that the first goal is productivity and the new karma that you have to standardize all its sites, is the principle of competition.
What competition? That between the Italian industrial sectors and China? Or the many companies in expansion, so as to ensure the exploitation of workers in fearful conditions.
production is tied to the cost of production in developing countries and to the pockets of black labor in developed countries.
The industrialists are, very good, for the made in italy, new opportunities market.
must chase the increase in productivity in both home and away. And indeed, the market for labor will move according to production needs. The market is where the workforce suffers the cost savings and ensure the increase in earnings. Goods and workers are treated equally. We cry our strong opposition to the choices that now seem inevitable to guarantee the work, we cry out loud that security is required and is not compensated for.
is a need for awareness that bypasses the boundaries and bring the workers to keep in mind that no one returns my life. Every worker killed is proof that capitalism research profit in the forms and the most profitable production.
Every fight continued to improve working conditions is a struggle to safeguard the rights of men and women and also against the monstrosity of child labor.
The fight for the respect of the most elementary conditions for work safety awareness goes to the employees themselves. No delegation to the bosses and trade unions in the shadow of profit.
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union and union leaders
The union is a set of associated persons to address and solve the problems that are common, to defend common interests. Then, the workers' union is formed by all providers of work under a boss and are exploited. When they are born in the consciousness of his state of servitude, they fight jointly to achieve the goal to rid itself of the wage chain and themselves be the direct beneficiaries of the fruits of his labor.
The union is a fraternal life partnership bound by a human feeling of mutual support for all those who aspire to freedom.
But the family, to defend their interests, individuals who have cultivated, citing various political, religious, corporate etc.. Have broken the unity of solidarity of the exploited in many gatherings, sometimes in conflict with each other for different settings of the struggle by the various leaders who aggregate multiple-per-vaunted licensed the hegemony of their "church of miracles." And with such a liar claims have persuaded their followers to look with distrust of the proposals of other groups. With chronicity of many separate divisions, the union has lost its identity from the basic goal, which pushes all the exploited to fight for their emancipation. While, in the present, members of the different combinations and different pseudosindacali, just waiting for the directives of the Secretary General or their corporal section, explaining how they should behave in various circumstances, and that these members could consider whether there is correlation with the other indications, and without ascertaining the outcome of their action obtained satisfaction to the demands posed, and no possibility of critical intervention for any wrongdoing or without favorable results for employees.
The workers' union, as was intended in its origin, must-be-exploited association, aware and responsible people who are independent and they respect all opinions or religious tendency, corporate etc.., considering that all members should aim for the same purpose which is to free themselves from economic dependence and exploitation master, to find together, harmoniously, in meeting all their needs, individual and social, with what can be obtained from your work, self-managed.
The master class is a remnant of barbarism, violence that is perpetuated on the people's physical and moral subject, and is supported by read-fitted to the current unjust social system and authoritarian, defended by the servile class of politicians and union journeyman, from Religious and corporatism.
Together they broke the unity of the union employees for preserve the privileges that this breed has sad for services rendered to the owner.
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now given an interview to an employee of the supermarket mercadona Sant Sadurni d'Anoia (Spain). The struggle for the preservation and improvement of working conditions in this chain of supermarkets in Spain has been really hard and lasted a couple of years (2006 and 2007) but has given fruitful results for male and female workers who have achieved.
I found this interview interesting for several key reasons:
-1: mobilization within the area of \u200b\u200btrade , a category usually considered as less combative. The strikes in Spain and the fight mercadona dell'ortomercato of Milan in Italy show that the action of self-managed workers to improve their conditions is possible and, if carried out with determination and consciousness of the workers involved, it gives great results.
-2 : mercadona is a chain of supermarkets widespread and well seen, which bases its advertising image on the model of "total quality" to the product, customer, employee and environment.
Setting the advertising campaign is similar to using the retail chain IKEA.
-3: the precarious standard in ikea, the use of free labor, as interns, outsourcing is increasingly perceived as a strong widespread unease. no problem is insurmountable when there is a will to react to the insecurity that makes us suffer. This is just to find intervention strategies that are able to aggregate people in a company like ours, characterized by a strong turn-over of staff.
-4: mobilization and the struggle began in one place by a small group of workers.
This is a lesson to learn against those who made the resignation of its flag and against whom great that, without unions, without solid and combative, without endless masses of people, no fighting is possible. Mercadona el'ortomercato show us exactly the opposite. do not have to be stewards of the profession or trade union to call a strike!
The only struggle you lose is what you do not want to do, and no one will protect our interests but ourselves, no Forget it ever !!!!!!
mercadona What?
Mercadona here in spain is a chain of supermarkets widespread and well seen in the hands of Joan Roig, one of the richest men in the country.
This chain of supermarkets based its advertising image on the model of "total quality" model whereby the company the most important thing is the customer, followed by employees, suppliers, and finally by the company by capital, marketing strategy resulting from a chain of Irish supermarket.
understand how all this is not true, because our workers are exploited and, like all companies, what matters is profit. One of the characteristics of
mercadona is not advertising in newspapers and on television because he created an image of company attentive to the customer and the employee and the customer uses the word of mouth as advertising.
The company as a whole has 56 000 permanent workers throughout Spain, of whom, however, every day, 5 / 6 they leave due to injuries or health problems resulting from the very hard work and general conditions of work (lack of hygiene, non-compliance safety standards, ill-treatment.)
How are the working conditions within mercadona?
The sector that suffers most of the bad working conditions and hygiene is the field of logistics, warehouses like ours Sant Sadurni On Anon.
In our case, working hours are seven and a half a day, six days are 45 hours per week, with night shifts, we ask is that we be considered as working time of the half-hour meal because we steal 12 hours per month . free day for those who work nights, and holidays are decided by the company based on production.
Mercadona demands that we move at least 18 tonnes per week and promising productivity bonuses for those who exceed this amount.
To increase the competitiveness among the workers hang listings weekly with the amount of cargo moved by each of us, and are thus able to create a monitoring system among the workers themselves.
also occupational physicians do not recognize the illness caused by too much work and workers are forced to improvise with their colds and compaction are general practitioners, for a few days of illness.
In-stock where the strike began, 700 people work for the vast majority of which are South American immigrants.
is a chance the strong presence of South American immigrants?
Of course not. You know that going to take people directly in South America? On the basis of government contracts between Spain and Ecuador / rep.domenicana, mercadona (as well as El Corte Ingles and McDonald's Spain) was facilitated to import labor from these countries in spain, promising him a permanent job. Convince us to permanent contract from day one, with the 860 euro per month, which can increase ... (ecuador when an average salary is around $ 160), but once you get here make us sign another contract in which there are 6-month trial (when in Spain should be 15 days) and if we do not reach the minimum production receive no increase. Then we have to pay for the trip, find accommodation in Barcelona-the most expensive city-cake, arriving in a country where the workplace does not even speak to us in English because we speak Catalan, and are also considered "different" for this .
Upon arriving we were lent € 800 for initial expenses, which we later had to return with the first payroll. Group 30 lots of people from Ecuador, of which I was part, only 6 are still at the core logistics mercadona, others have sought other work.
Think mercadona alone imported, directly, 2,000 people from South America, why do it when in Spain there are 1 million immigrants irregololari?
How did the section of the CNT-and mercadona?
Because of the terrible working conditions in seven, all of South America we have addressed a majority of unions, Comisión Obrera, who told us to wait for the upcoming union elections. Imagine, if we had to wait a year and a half we would not back or we would leave earlier.
We turned to the CNT-and because we knew that a year before he had a conflict with mercadona in Huelva (Andalusia).
On the advice of the Advocate-cnt, and the first 15 days no notice of the training within the company to have time to organize and so joined the rest of us and we are now 25 employees.
and relations with other unions?
majority unions participating in union elections within of mercadona and more generally in Spain, are part of the leadership of the company, receive money for union activity and not by the workers. In our case, the stewards of the UGT, the socialist trade union, are the same leaders who sign our license.
do not know if you know it, but in spain it is normal for directors and managers are stewards of the company / sector.
are so useless that our colleagues did not even know the existence of a national contract, let alone the new contract signed dall'ugt in 2006, worse than the first.
At the end you decided to strike when and how you made the decision?
As we have said on March 3 the company announced the creation of the CNT trade union branch and the reaction was exaggerated, my boss asked me if I was crazy to bring cnt holding because the trucks were burned and shops.
But the worst came after me while I was suspended seven days and fired home two of the most active partners and we have launched a first strike for 10 days.
On 22 March we had a meeting with the company that broke off at 4 at night (from 10pm) to company's refusal to readmit licenziati.noi had already decided before going that one of the milestones was the release of comrades fired. One thing to be told that evening is that when we arrived in the hotel where they held the meeting we found a table with food and alcoholic beverages, believed that we would have seen that we are drunk-South America-and so the match would go to their please, but we decided, immediately, to seek only water and not to eat anything.
The next morning began the strike with a vengeance, it was March 23. The first day of the strike there were more than 50 workers in our warehouse for a few days and we did some picketing to the place of saint Sadurni of anonymity. from March to now we have done over 70 events between Barcelona and the countries around.
How did you physically organized to deal with the strike?
We have set up a solidarity fund which was attended by workers throughout Spain, andnot only.
The case of solidarity, however, did not meet the need for all, because 20 strikers mean 20 families to support. Each of us took the minimum necessary to live according to their needs, but often some comrades did not take anything, and it happened to many of us do not pay the rent or mortgage, etc. ..
Mercadona also gave us the money because the strike fine and we left the farm: € 300 000 because the strike ended immediately (about € 17,000 each).
With this money many of us could go back to their countries and live better than we live here, but this strike we are not doing it for money, but to ensure better working conditions and to demand basic rights.
During the strike, have also taken action?
Of actions we have made over 70 only in the province of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe most important, the consequences have been for at least three.
The first had as its goal the Labour Inspectorate. Since they were not doing an inspection, we decided to tie the gates of their home and were shackled for 30 hours, but eventually we got an inspection the next morning. We
we were not entirely satisfied because, of course, the inspectors did not want to see a lot of things, on the other hand, the company has taken a fine because it violated certain safety rules, and within a few months to come into compliance.
The striking action, which gave us more visibility in the media, we made it in early August. There are crucifixes in front of a supermarket mercadona and we were all day in the yard of the shop talking to the people who went to the grocery store and explaining our reasons and the struggle we are carrying out.
This action has given a lot of vitality in the strike because the companies have worked days to build the crosses and prepare the material and in the morning when the store called the national secretary of the CNT, we said that we would be there all day.
Another high-impact action was when we built a prison board and we went in front of another supermarket mercadona mercadona launching the message that is equal to Guantanamo. When we do these actions, the party attracts people play, and then we go to explain and talk about our struggle. For a company like
mercadona these actions are more harmful than the strike itself, because they go to undermine the dear buena company with their customers.
all-out strike was becoming difficult to sustain. Many of us did not do more to keep going and the work we said we had been fired, so in mid-September, we went back to work and we decided to hold a partial strike by 22 every Thursday at 22 of the Friday, because Friday is the day when people go to do the weekly shop and the shops are selling more.
This strategy was successful because many workers who could not afford a strike with a vengeance, we are unable to join.
In the first week of work, after more than 6 months of strike, nothing happened, it seemed that everything was normal, and even heads were kind to us, but already the second week the weather is always returned to they fired me with very serious allegations of intimidation of a coordinator of a supermarket, for which I will shortly have a job.
Now, the 22 strikers, we are 6 to be fired.
Mercadona does not want union workers because of the logistics industry in the coming years will be mechanized with a cut staff by 50%, as is already happening in the seat that is laying off 600 workers.
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In an attempt to pervert the cause of social injustice.
Welcome to the world of space precarious, young human resources, cute freshmen postmodern, gracious without ongoing income, enterprising fast on call, highly efficient project collaborators with the plate divided.
Never so many people at work!
What are you complaining about ungrateful bastards?!
not you know?
Neoliberalism ve had announced the Magi, Madonna flexibility you multiply fish and loaves and hours ... and dad precarious? Well ... in every gift bag There is a good job.
Thank grandfather capitalism!
ordinary people, workers, students, unemployed, migrants ... and so on and so forth.
Bollettarios! Unionists street, union nomadic, migratory, libertarians ... ah!
If we have a leader? No. we are all leaders. If we
directors, officers, bureaucrats? No. If we treat
under the table with the master? No.
Ok, ok, here we are. The century has made a turning point:
unionism rebel against the future of the Middle Ages this post!
What would the old joe hill if he were still in the world?
"is not really necessary that we mourn, organizziamoci! ... We will be all!"
we will be everywhere, we will be more.
Good luck working class!
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The job insecurity is not only a question of today: as early as World War II, the conversion of the war industry largely resulted in factory closures and layoffs of thousands of workers . Only the economic recovery of the late '50 - early 60's partially reversed the trend. But even a decade after the "energy crisis" these startup processes to reduce staff in many large companies that process despite some safeguards (such as the layoff |
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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nnua the average of deaths at work is about a thousand. 1280 in 2006 to be precise.
more than 100 deaths per month, more than three deaths a day.
but the true figures, the most reliable, are published in ITLA always two years away, when they are old and are no longer impression.
real figures so to speak, because there is always a percentage of deaths (and thousands of nifortuni medium and / or severe) is not recognized such as those on the journey to get to work.
there is a new law recently passed that would have the will to stem the flow after a leap in the media of many cries of alarm about the figures on the rise.
but simply a law that in biblical times for its implementation and that attaches only to sub-contracting firms responsible for this massacre?!
the dead are chilling, they are there and tell us that in Italy, as throughout the world, the bread for the workers remain bitter.
just a law when the owners have recourse to the complicity of the workers themselves to conceal the risk of fatal work? for many of us work is to live. without a job would not be possible. then we might as well do it, risking their lives.
the 626 is a sad esmpio law unenforceable. plays only to find those responsible, those who, in the event of a legal remedy (a poor man can not hardly ever afford to do) to be held up-to-injury occurred as a default. his goal is not security, but the game of bureaucratic role.
matters to employers and to the State if the injury does not decrease? The important thing is to find a culprit. point.
who cares if their mothers to buy their young children to accident prevention equipment (for construction work) because the owner takes them right away (how good it is ...) in "Pending Uploads"?! What if the worker often signed releases for the employer in case of accident?
die who cares if the laws are there?
in our country applies the rule of law (when it suits) on the lives of people and an accident is never considered murder.
indeed there are cases, more frequent, in which the injured worker (if he survives), is liable for their intentional damage.
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from turin had to leave a strong signal to those who did not surrender to the logic of society determined by the achievement dle profit at all costs: the costs for those who die at work and working as a turin and how it happens almost daily in our province.
where were we? what did CUB, COBAS, Unicobas, AND USES SDL, in short the base unions, faced with trying to CGIL, CISL, UIL to minimize damage to the owners avoiding the general strike, indicating only a metalworkers?
of those dead and we need to proclaim a general strike?!
seven deaths are not enough? this is the level of ethical review?
and then where were the workers with their dignity in all work! may direct that action has ceased to exist that must bare the king and his scagnozzi.penso we missed a great chance of aggregation, I would say the revolt.
because the face of the massacres perpetuated by these classes of offenders who are in power and who are unfortunately unable to do some media power also on this massacre.
attended the funeral babbling words of solidarity? What is solidarity? keep the masses subjugated by their greedy needs passed to the needs of the community.
shame but also for those who accepted them. are disgusting even managed to show us on television, the native home of one of the workers killed, with a picture of her with her children a few years and months.
"had a temporary contract, she was afraid of losing their jobs, lost their lives." This is the Biagi law! this is legalized illegal hiring! these are the conditions of the profit! the owners, their begging politicians have a single goal: to place the exploited their backs to the wall with a gun in his mouth, possibly in a democratic way, so much so that the extreme left, sitting comfortably on the seats of government, this government is complicit in laws and regulations that many of the dead would shudder of Genoa and Reggio Emilia, many of the dead down the law against fraud, against Scelba and trombones.
with them and all those who took to the streets without political backing, against the power of the mafia and fascist Democrats who, along with the consumption power of the Stalinist socialdemocratizzati, is one of the bases of the Democratic Party.
all legal now, all legal and democratic.
but I do not want at all about these poor, damaged individuals. I want to scream in anguish before the massacre of turin.
want to shout their anger at the massacre of workers still wanted by the entire apparatus of power of this perverse society.
as there may still be drinking this is the best company possible, as the conscience of those who are savagely exploited, rolled in our basic rights, forced to develop the game and lose his life for a few euro, go after?
accept their conditions, which are covers for their business and their privileges.
create the conditions for more than sruttamento can autolaimentarsi number of privileges and quality.
grow in all streams of the power of complicity in this increasingly based on the exploitation of man by man, woman and nature.
of the workers were forced to turin exhausting shifts, workdays that lasted to the demands of production.
Italy, you know, has been praised, is the main architect of the moratorium on the death penalty.
and died on the job and work?! are sentenced to death, decreed on the boards, dcretate held, laws inapplicable, occupational safety, decreed by masters who know that they go unpunished.
we have ever seen a boss condemned?! in memory of man, ever. administrative sanctions, when it's bad.
but also sparingly, because you can not stop the production, made in Italy. What had against the workers of turin against the monstrosity that guarantee any action to the owners? What can they offer all young underpaid with the fake work contracts, such contracts? what work? blackmail, extortion, exploitation without limit.
all covered dall'omertà collusion between employers, unions, politicians and state.
and where is the defense of life? those dark souls that defend the life of the embryo silent in the face of these deliberate murders.
eat us all and well. their rules for us, for the precarious life of this are: work, exploitation, pollution, prisons, death, cancer, disabilities, mental hospitals, deprivation, mind subjugated by the dominant religion from the show.
was and is necessary for a general strike, rubbing, big, the law on strikes.
their laws are made to imprison. our task is to reject them, to undermine.
the general strike had been against everything that is happening, against this exploitation total, against the Social Democrats even worse, more and more against this system of captains of industry, state Boyars, parasites millionaires and precarious exploited, murdered. become the riots happen, do not expect nor is invoked.
from "fight Class "