SAP Contract: a sense of responsibility prevailed.
as required and desired by SAP, the game on the 2008/2009 Agreement was closed quickly and well, with increases - in the current economic and financial - are the best possible.
increases, as evidenced by the practice table prepared by our Research Department to publish on this flash, and for the agents and assistants start at € 60 net per month, plus the payment of arrears starting in January 2009 (no less than 1,300 € net).
The goal is to have increases in arrears by November.
The action of the SAP, the Consulta Security and leading police unions that are found in so-called "cartel" has been instrumental in spreading almost all of the total resources available - about 700 million plus an additional € 100 million for the Specificity - on the fixed salary brackets, that is, parameters and allowances retirement. The economic
stalking made available for the renewal of this contract, which expired in 2007, and are not sufficient.
The 100 million euro for the specificity of the 40,000 come from the big rally in the square in Rome in late October last year and we have defended them with my teeth this summer, when the extraordinary maneuver by 25 billion was expected as more denominations, including our thirteenth.
If we had signed before the summer, as some speculated that he can not do sindacatino union, we would not have any tools in hand to fight with success, as was the case, attempts to cut additional resources to the Security Fund.
But this is now history.
The SAP Security and Look, among others, have put pen to paper to the government (see more on this Flash) a commitment to the agenda adopted at the same maneuver summer: career and functional checks, as we have always said, will be safeguarded.
The battle now goes to the supplementary pension system, whose tables must start within the year, and the reordering of careers.
course, mindful of the commitments unfulfilled in the past, we check and make sure that this time also the political class, especially the government, demonstrates a sense of responsibility.
That same sense of responsibility that men and women of law enforcement agencies have shown to date, also signed a contract after three years since the last renewal of resources and certainly not up to expectations.
Proud to be a SAP!
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