Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make A Wooden Clothes Hamper

Contract 2008/2009, signed the agreement to Public Service Agreement

( ANSA) - ROMA, 16 SET -' The resources allocated are inadequate and our signature was driven by a sense of responsibility 'and that' in a moment so good to have 'sensitive to the economy nationally and globally' . The claim the unions after the signing this evening at the Department of Public Service, the contract of employment of the police and armed forces for the years 2008 and 2009.
'We ask the political class - adds the Secretary-General of Sap, Nicola Tanzi - to have the same sense of responsibility' towards the police and those who risk their lives daily to ensure safety, according to today and commitments'.
The old contract - explain the unions - had expired in 2007. The majority of police unions gathered in the so-called 'sign' (SIULP, Sap, Siap-Anfp, Silpa-CGIL, State Police and Coisp UGL) and those of the self 'safety consultation' (which includes, in addition to SAP, the police detention of Sappi and operators of the Forest Service Sapaf) reached an understanding with the government party that provides for uniformed personnel salary increases from about 60 € net per month for basic roles, as well arrears from January 2009.
The Government, the unions argue, and is' committed to transform into law the agenda, approved last summer at the same budget package, which contain safeguards for career advancement, check functional reorganization and supplementary pensions. A total of 700 million available to about 500,000 workers by the police and armed forces, in addition to 100 million for so-called 'specificity' the profession 'obtained after the demonstration of the 40,000 policemen in the square in Rome in late 2009. (ANSA) Y12-BOS 16-Sep-10 22:36 NNNN

The following is a table on the increases in salaries and retirement benefits:

below Carry the table on the increase in overtime:


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