Monday, September 27, 2010

What To Write In A Baby Book For A Card

After the joint patrols and after the mini naja, continue by the Government and in particular the Minister Ignazio La Russa attempts to "militarize" the security in our country, investing more public funds available in the few initiatives and projects questionable while continuing to spare resources for police and carabinieri.
The latest idea is the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a "school of war", a training project developed by school management of the Lombardy Region and the military command of the army, which involves hundreds and hundreds of students and providing specific courses and tests technical practices to attract young people to the armed forces, with obstacles and survive in hostile environments (as in war scenarios), use of air pistols and much more.
This is a proposal propaganda, unnecessary and dangerous.
Our union has been engaged for years on many other fronts in training young people, we are convinced that it is essential first to educate law to develop and disseminate a genuine culture of civic values.
On September 27, not surprisingly, our structure of Bari, Bari together provincial institution shall, with the participation Secretary of the Interior Alfredo Mantovano, the Project 'Fern' which aims to stimulate the growth of the culture of legality through initiatives and educational programs designed primarily for students. A
initiative - well organized by the Secretary of SAP Bari John the Baptist, Guido and colleagues Natalia Italian, in addition to any provincial property - that falls prevention programs and security in the province of Bari and is part of our event "Not to forget, this year awarded the Medal of the Presidency of the Republic.
The Independent Police Union firmly believes in the principle of legality which is the basis of a proper education law, outlining the righteous behavior that citizens need to acquire to protect a peaceful coexistence. Legal means to educate and disseminate genuine culture of civic values \u200b\u200band this requires not only as an essential cultural premise, but also as daily operational support, since - as has been argued by many - only if the fight will be action firmly rooted in the consciousness and culture among young people, it can acquire the characteristics of long-term efficiency all'incalzare fearful of delinquency.
In Valle d'Aosta, with the Secretary Massimo Denarier, carry on for years the path of legality with initiatives that involve students in secondary schools.
in Piedmont and in particular in Alexandria with the Secretary Felice Rizzo, we are involved in a network involving organizations, institutions and schools. In Calabria, Catanzaro and SAP with Sergio Riga, were awarded dozens of scholarships to the children of colleagues and students. And throughout Italy
concrete initiatives are many, many. Often made at no cost. Values \u200b\u200bshould be taught to young civilians, not military strategies.
Young people need to remember how many police, judges and policemen lost their lives, not train them to battle scenarios unlikely.
Young people must be taught legality, not to wage war.
Proud to be a SAP!


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