(ANSA) - ROMA, 29 DIC - 'If the news coming from Brazil are confirmed, it would be a real shame, a slap to our country and especially to the victims of terrorism, starting by the two policemen killed by Cesare Battisti. We hope that Prime Minister Berlusconi and Minister Frattini immediately make their voices heard because 'and who' was sentenced to four life sentences can not 'think get away with it this way '. This is stressed in a statement, Nicola Tanzi, the secretary of the police union Wis.
'We are also puzzled - continues Tanzi - to learn that the rationale behind the refusal to extradite would be attributed to the' death risk 'for Baptists in Italy. We think that a country like Brazil, where prison facilities are among the worst in the world and where the riots are the order of the day, Italy has much to teach. We believe it is appropriate mobilization of the society 'calendar and we hope that the Government does all it can to persuade Brazil to extradite this former terrorist who until now has never shown signs of repentance'. (ANSA) COM-NM 29-DEC-10 16:35 NNNN
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Earthquake Of San Francisco Amplifier Model
The "gift" that we want ...
In the days leading up to Christmas, the commission met for Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the Senate have begun the process of approval of Bill No. 2494, presented by Minister Maroni on "New rules on public safety."
As we advance in the last issue of Flash, we aim to include in this measure - on the initiative of the government - our amendment "Specificity" that so far the House has always rejected.
The process should be fast, although the resumption of parliamentary work is, as usual, scheduled for January.
Our initiatives to mobilize, the pressures at all levels that we are doing, knowing that even leading representatives of the majority have realized the importance of this measure, which covers the roof and pay our key benefits, are finally opening a breach in Government and in particular Minister Tremonti.
be clear to everyone that we do not trust, that we remain mobilized even in these days of Christmas, that our action and our contacts continue without interruption and without parking, contrary who - even in the Fund Security and Defense - he is watching, ready to claim success if not their good results or criticize the other hypotheses.
What we get will be the exclusive result of a process of mobilization and dissent now that we are committed to months at a time of political and economic crisis perhaps without precedent in the history of our Republic. The government ask
particularly serious, especially if you take commitments to women and men in uniform to date have been too many unfulfilled promises and this is creating a furrow between my colleagues almost insoluble in politics in general.
Just think about the question of arrears of the Contract, which had to be paid by 2010. Of course we can "console" pen-sando that the new year will take a few euro more because of the different tax treatment, but we also believe that many colleagues had done on behalf of having the money before Christmas.
And in terms of broken promises it seems almost superfluous to mention the problems of colleagues intended to retire in the coming months, the start of complementary pensions, the reordering of careers.
Without security there is no freedom, no economic recovery, there is no future. And to do
security are not enough pats on the back after a stop striking, but we need resources. This awareness
we have it forever, but it must above all those who are responsible, at least until the next elections, to govern Italy.
And this is the most beautiful and useful gift that Christmas should lead.
heartiest greetings to you all.
Proud to be a SAP!
In the days leading up to Christmas, the commission met for Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the Senate have begun the process of approval of Bill No. 2494, presented by Minister Maroni on "New rules on public safety."
As we advance in the last issue of Flash, we aim to include in this measure - on the initiative of the government - our amendment "Specificity" that so far the House has always rejected.
The process should be fast, although the resumption of parliamentary work is, as usual, scheduled for January.
Our initiatives to mobilize, the pressures at all levels that we are doing, knowing that even leading representatives of the majority have realized the importance of this measure, which covers the roof and pay our key benefits, are finally opening a breach in Government and in particular Minister Tremonti.
be clear to everyone that we do not trust, that we remain mobilized even in these days of Christmas, that our action and our contacts continue without interruption and without parking, contrary who - even in the Fund Security and Defense - he is watching, ready to claim success if not their good results or criticize the other hypotheses.
What we get will be the exclusive result of a process of mobilization and dissent now that we are committed to months at a time of political and economic crisis perhaps without precedent in the history of our Republic. The government ask
particularly serious, especially if you take commitments to women and men in uniform to date have been too many unfulfilled promises and this is creating a furrow between my colleagues almost insoluble in politics in general.
Just think about the question of arrears of the Contract, which had to be paid by 2010. Of course we can "console" pen-sando that the new year will take a few euro more because of the different tax treatment, but we also believe that many colleagues had done on behalf of having the money before Christmas.
And in terms of broken promises it seems almost superfluous to mention the problems of colleagues intended to retire in the coming months, the start of complementary pensions, the reordering of careers.
Without security there is no freedom, no economic recovery, there is no future. And to do
security are not enough pats on the back after a stop striking, but we need resources. This awareness
we have it forever, but it must above all those who are responsible, at least until the next elections, to govern Italy.
And this is the most beautiful and useful gift that Christmas should lead.
heartiest greetings to you all.
Proud to be a SAP!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Difference Between Sinvastatine And Prevastatine
"My job is to take photographs, and photographs are not the way to make metaphors. Neither concepts. The photographs show, no show."
"Taking pictures is ways of life. But life is not important in photography. It is important to tell. If we start from photo will not get anywhere else and the picture ".
" Beware of anyone who uses a language only shouted to be heard further afield to attract attention. The problem, I always thought, is not how loud scream, that's what you put into the scream, in the density of your aesthetic language.
The style should be distinguished from styling. The styling, Sciascia once explained to me, it feeds on are, the way of ideas. Terse and definitive, as only Leonardo could be ".
" It is talked a lot while shooting, but the reaction to the world, what we call intuition, depends on the thoughts and experiences that a she did in life and at that moment convened. It is always more or less unconsciously what was already looking for. I try to tell pieces of existence, life experiences of the people as reflected in the mine.
(...) But I never do, or just to exercise technical and aesthetic, photographs to take pictures. Photographer always something to tell. The landscapes, even when there are people content to live, for me there are only a function of human feeling them legitimate. "

"Taking pictures is ways of life. But life is not important in photography. It is important to tell. If we start from photo will not get anywhere else and the picture ".
" Beware of anyone who uses a language only shouted to be heard further afield to attract attention. The problem, I always thought, is not how loud scream, that's what you put into the scream, in the density of your aesthetic language.
The style should be distinguished from styling. The styling, Sciascia once explained to me, it feeds on are, the way of ideas. Terse and definitive, as only Leonardo could be ".
" It is talked a lot while shooting, but the reaction to the world, what we call intuition, depends on the thoughts and experiences that a she did in life and at that moment convened. It is always more or less unconsciously what was already looking for. I try to tell pieces of existence, life experiences of the people as reflected in the mine.
(...) But I never do, or just to exercise technical and aesthetic, photographs to take pictures. Photographer always something to tell. The landscapes, even when there are people content to live, for me there are only a function of human feeling them legitimate. "
Monday, December 20, 2010
Honey X Honey Drops Manga 32 Raws
The "confidence" of broken promises Cops
while retaining the confidence of parliament, but is far from regaining the confidence of the police, to which they continue to demand heavy sacrifices and to which it is immediately expressed solidarity if a hundred colleagues are injured during violent riots, but did not recognize - in practice! - The value of the specificity of the profession, that a few weeks the State Law is more than ten years after a battle led by the Independent Police Trade Union and now shared by all the main organizations of the Fund.
The police will continue the mobilization and decreased again in the square, in the House, after the leaflets in recent days .
The Senate, unfortunately, has finally passed into law the "security package" without the approval of the amendment was to change, for members of the Security and Defense Fund, Article. 9 co. 1 of Law 122/2010 on the sound financial operation and stabilization of public finances last summer. An amendment to recognize the fundamental reality of our specificity and our sacrifices.
During the parliamentary proceedings, the center has supported the need for amendment, but said that certain issues could not be carried out as part of the security package into law. Therefore, any amendment of the majority and the opposition have been withdrawn, were approved by the new government agendas (which we publish below) which emphasize the need to recognize as soon as possible, tangibly, the specificity Forces of Order and the intention is to include the rule that we are interested in the bill (SA 2494) on "New provisions relating to public safety."
The President of the First Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, Carlo Vizzini, he explained clearly in the excerpt of intervention that appears after the editorial.
Vizzini is a serious person and we are convinced, even from a careful reading of the parliamentary reports and the many contacts we have with deputies and senators of the majority and the opposition, that the way to the practical recognition of the specificity is plotted.
The political situation, economic crisis, instability Overall, the many promises made and not kept us, however, be wary. And above all
mobilized. Not surprisingly, while someone if they stay home and eat the cake, we will be in place during the week of Christmas, with a new action of dissent, but mostly senbilizzazione, Arcore, on the day of 20 December. The work of the police is vital, as our dignity. It will not allow anyone to trample on yet.
Proud to be a SAP!
while retaining the confidence of parliament, but is far from regaining the confidence of the police, to which they continue to demand heavy sacrifices and to which it is immediately expressed solidarity if a hundred colleagues are injured during violent riots, but did not recognize - in practice! - The value of the specificity of the profession, that a few weeks the State Law is more than ten years after a battle led by the Independent Police Trade Union and now shared by all the main organizations of the Fund.
The police will continue the mobilization and decreased again in the square, in the House, after the leaflets in recent days .
The Senate, unfortunately, has finally passed into law the "security package" without the approval of the amendment was to change, for members of the Security and Defense Fund, Article. 9 co. 1 of Law 122/2010 on the sound financial operation and stabilization of public finances last summer. An amendment to recognize the fundamental reality of our specificity and our sacrifices.
During the parliamentary proceedings, the center has supported the need for amendment, but said that certain issues could not be carried out as part of the security package into law. Therefore, any amendment of the majority and the opposition have been withdrawn, were approved by the new government agendas (which we publish below) which emphasize the need to recognize as soon as possible, tangibly, the specificity Forces of Order and the intention is to include the rule that we are interested in the bill (SA 2494) on "New provisions relating to public safety."
The President of the First Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, Carlo Vizzini, he explained clearly in the excerpt of intervention that appears after the editorial.
Vizzini is a serious person and we are convinced, even from a careful reading of the parliamentary reports and the many contacts we have with deputies and senators of the majority and the opposition, that the way to the practical recognition of the specificity is plotted.
The political situation, economic crisis, instability Overall, the many promises made and not kept us, however, be wary. And above all
mobilized. Not surprisingly, while someone if they stay home and eat the cake, we will be in place during the week of Christmas, with a new action of dissent, but mostly senbilizzazione, Arcore, on the day of 20 December. The work of the police is vital, as our dignity. It will not allow anyone to trample on yet.
Proud to be a SAP!
Hypothyroidism Lack Of Confidence
Gourmet puzzle
Sometimes you're in a place to do a certain type of picture and you are presented with a scene that would not have even remotely imagined. It happened yesterday morning at the Festival dei Popoli 2010, Market Square, where I met this curious passion for crossword puzzles, nestled among the many delights of his grocery store.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Carolina Bio Lab 5 Cell Respiration Answers
The Chamber of Deputies has lost a crucial opportunity to approve the amendment needed to protect specific allowances for the police service, the retirement benefits, career advancement, and the pictures, the allocation of functions.
The majority, in the conversion to the law of the security package, has really lost face against the law enforcement personnel, submitting and then withdrawing an amendment (available in the news on our site) result of the commitment of the Minister Maroni and the support of key Fli.
This decision reinforces our conviction to demonstrate in front of Deputies on December 13 and to initiate throughout Italy a mobilization campaign which starts already December 9 with a flyer in all Italian regions and cities by the SAP, the Security Check and the main police union.
Our organization has worked and continues to operate in the best way, by acting on many fronts and at several tables in the exclusive interest of their colleagues.
But we wonder what credibility would have a majority government and particularly with the social partners agree that a standard that reflects the agendas adopted several times, only to withdraw everything at the last minute? The problem is not just economic in nature, as it wants to believe. The question is exquisitely
politics and politics must find a solution. We as a union, we do our part and continue to do so by starting a heavy season of dissent, which will materialize in the coming days in a series of initiatives and mobilizations.
Parliament must convert before January 12, the security package into law and it is theoretically possible that the Senate approved the House changes the text, as he promised the Minister Maroni.
But it is also true that on December 14 the current government could lose the trust of its MPs. A dangerous game that we can not lose.
's time to stand up again. And we must thank our former Secretary General, 's Hon John Paladini, parliamentary Italy of Values, which the House has fought like a lion in defense of his colleagues and our amendment.
As we can not fail to mention the intervention of Hon. Giorgio Conte, Deputy Group Leader of the House Fli, among the signatories of the amendment is in line to defend and safeguard the interests of law enforcement agencies.
Proud to be a SAP!
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