Monday, December 20, 2010

Honey X Honey Drops Manga 32 Raws

The "confidence" of broken promises Cops

while retaining the confidence of parliament, but is far from regaining the confidence of the police, to which they continue to demand heavy sacrifices and to which it is immediately expressed solidarity if a hundred colleagues are injured during violent riots, but did not recognize - in practice! - The value of the specificity of the profession, that a few weeks the State Law is more than ten years after a battle led by the Independent Police Trade Union and now shared by all the main organizations of the Fund.

The police will continue the mobilization and decreased again in the square, in the House, after the leaflets in recent days .
The Senate, unfortunately, has finally passed into law the "security package" without the approval of the amendment was to change, for members of the Security and Defense Fund, Article. 9 co. 1 of Law 122/2010 on the sound financial operation and stabilization of public finances last summer. An amendment to recognize the fundamental reality of our specificity and our sacrifices.
During the parliamentary proceedings, the center has supported the need for amendment, but said that certain issues could not be carried out as part of the security package into law. Therefore, any amendment of the majority and the opposition have been withdrawn, were approved by the new government agendas (which we publish below) which emphasize the need to recognize as soon as possible, tangibly, the specificity Forces of Order and the intention is to include the rule that we are interested in the bill (SA 2494) on "New provisions relating to public safety."
The President of the First Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, Carlo Vizzini, he explained clearly in the excerpt of intervention that appears after the editorial.
Vizzini is a serious person and we are convinced, even from a careful reading of the parliamentary reports and the many contacts we have with deputies and senators of the majority and the opposition, that the way to the practical recognition of the specificity is plotted.
The political situation, economic crisis, instability Overall, the many promises made and not kept us, however, be wary. And above all
mobilized. Not surprisingly, while someone if they stay home and eat the cake, we will be in place during the week of Christmas, with a new action of dissent, but mostly senbilizzazione, Arcore, on the day of 20 December. The work of the police is vital, as our dignity. It will not allow anyone to trample on yet.
Proud to be a SAP!


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