Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Earthquake Of San Francisco Amplifier Model

The "gift" that we want ...

In the days leading up to Christmas, the commission met for Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the Senate have begun the process of approval of Bill No. 2494, presented by Minister Maroni on "New rules on public safety."
As we advance in the last issue of Flash, we aim to include in this measure - on the initiative of the government - our amendment "Specificity" that so far the House has always rejected.
The process should be fast, although the resumption of parliamentary work is, as usual, scheduled for January.
Our initiatives to mobilize, the pressures at all levels that we are doing, knowing that even leading representatives of the majority have realized the importance of this measure, which covers the roof and pay our key benefits, are finally opening a breach in Government and in particular Minister Tremonti.
be clear to everyone that we do not trust, that we remain mobilized even in these days of Christmas, that our action and our contacts continue without interruption and without parking, contrary who - even in the Fund Security and Defense - he is watching, ready to claim success if not their good results or criticize the other hypotheses.
What we get will be the exclusive result of a process of mobilization and dissent now that we are committed to months at a time of political and economic crisis perhaps without precedent in the history of our Republic. The government ask
particularly serious, especially if you take commitments to women and men in uniform to date have been too many unfulfilled promises and this is creating a furrow between my colleagues almost insoluble in politics in general.
Just think about the question of arrears of the Contract, which had to be paid by 2010. Of course we can "console" pen-sando that the new year will take a few euro more because of the different tax treatment, but we also believe that many colleagues had done on behalf of having the money before Christmas.
And in terms of broken promises it seems almost superfluous to mention the problems of colleagues intended to retire in the coming months, the start of complementary pensions, the reordering of careers.
Without security there is no freedom, no economic recovery, there is no future. And to do
security are not enough pats on the back after a stop striking, but we need resources. This awareness
we have it forever, but it must above all those who are responsible, at least until the next elections, to govern Italy.
And this is the most beautiful and useful gift that Christmas should lead.
heartiest greetings to you all.
Proud to be a SAP!


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