Saturday, February 19, 2011

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus Haircuts

Antoinette Photography and documentation

"... they are now discussing whether the documentary photography and photojournalism has created in us a sense of habit and addiction. Who, Urs Stahel rightly asks in his essay, 'Well, What is Photography? ', is moved and really care about before the images of starving children, Africans sick people, soldiers who kill, workers on strike, affecting daily dell'ngiustizia the world? we not overwhelmed by a constant stream of images and redundant in the face of what seem to remain passive and helpless? Paradoxically, information overload makes us virtually immune to the vision of the suffering of others, does not look as if what had a hold on us or we suddenly become blind. The pain and grief, regardless of whether they are caused by the deliberate actions of men by chance or blind nature, have a short lifespan in our consciousness.
Yet, in spite of our uncertainty and attitudes, we still need the photograph - just as we always need art - to search for and seize a match, but a communion, between us and the existing one.
art and photography is still a question, and the affirmation of Being. "
(Federico Busonero)


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