Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mount And Blade No-cd

I have already spoken on other occasions ( here , here and here ) of humanitarian assistance of my friend Antoinette Bandelloni, to help families poor of Mendoza in Argentina. During his last trip to South American land, Antoinette took some pictures that I was very impressed by the beauty inherent in their simple directness documented in a concrete way and why some aspects of living conditions of families of Mendoza. I asked her to tell some of them, and did so by writing a series of notes to the images that have made even more poignant with full documentation. Some of the looks of those children, it is true, would be enough by themselves to say so much already, but I believe that the written word to add something more to the system of such a narrative guide to travel. Antoinette and has succeeded magnificently, in the soul of the reader. I leave the first part of his reportage.

Every time I go back to Argentina I gasp: I fear the situation of some families have fallen and the little they have both vanished. But sometimes I'm lucky to have pleasant surprises. One of the mothers to whom I always have some 'help, which among other things is my essential collaborator and best friend, this year has managed to set up a small shop selling fruit and vegetables in a room of your home. The children, in the summer holidays, give a hand to the micro family business through which they can live in conditions much better. The gains and losses are not bad already are minimal that foods closer to the expiry or more fruits and vegetables are cooked and sold put on the table.

Two sisters playing with mud in the inner patio of the house. During the hottest hours of the afternoon when the sun burns, no one hits the road. These are the hours of siesta when all or almost asleep. The girls No way to sleep and should be willing to play with friends outside on the sidewalk but it is a chance that you can not afford. In fact, from two in the afternoon until six o'clock in the street are those who are usually only the bands of young criminals and is too dangerous to venture out to the various barrios.

I wander among the settlements looking for families who need a hand. I always carry with me when I puppets they fill them with home and friends in Italy to offer balloons for children. In addition to a most welcome gift for those who receive them are also a great way to bring mothers and children without making them feel uncomfortable. I usually start to do a couple of balloons for children and within minutes I find myself having to satisfy a sea of \u200b\u200bhands eager to have a dog, a snake, umbrella, sword, hearts, flowers ...

While the balloons do I realize that from behind a rickety metal are watching me waiting for two children they receive the unexpected gift. Were placed there in waiting, drawn from all the noise that makes the other guys, without saying a word. One of them is armed: the mother has a spray on hand. Difficult to remain indifferent to their eyes and not want a future less heavily than it probably deserves.

almost always the mothers who go to visit I invite you to come in to share a mate. Mate is a typical Argentine tea, a kind of tea but more full-bodied and flavorful. For each call if they drink a lot and inevitably I can say with a pinch of pride to know all the bathrooms in the houses I go to visit ... forced to drink. What you see in the picture is a beautiful little girl in his living room that I know since he was small. The cat has just arrived to be her playmate. The condition of the house speak for themselves but at least it has walls of concrete and bricks. Others are made only of cardboard, metal sheets and a few planks of wood and every time hail is a real scourge.

This expectant mother of five months has nine children. In these areas a family has fewer resources and have more children. It seems a contradiction but it is. It is unusual to find mothers with only 2:00 to 3:00 children. Here at the Las Heras smaller families generally have five children.

The horse is a great work companion. In areas Devices having one is not just a fortune. It helps to carry the shopping, their children to school and can serve as a means of employment. For example, the wife prepares bread, rosquitas (sweet fried buns), tortitas (small scones with lard that you consume at breakfast) and entrusted to her husband that, when put into large baskets and loaded on the back of the horse, will sell door to door.

(photos and text by Antoinette Bandelloni)

To read the second part of the picture-story click here.
Back in Italy, Antonio has taken tirelessly to raise funds through the sale of its crafts and painting, organizing themselves for future exhibitions and trade fairs to exhibit his works. As always, the entire proceeds from sales will be donated to the families of Mendoza. The budget of the aid supplied this year by Antoinette you can read it here .
Visiting his blog, however, admire the creations that sells and show how they contribute to its fundraising humanitarian.
I really hope that you will give your small but valuable contribution to the cause, there


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